3206 publications
" The "Unquiet Allies". French-American Intelligence Relations during the First Indochina War "
War 2.0: Irregular Warfare in the Information Age (simplified Chinese translation)
European Space Governance: The Outlook
The Ifri/SWF conference of 13 September 2011 provided an overview of the evolution of European space governance. It was convened almost two years after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty and five months after the release of the European Commission (EC) Communication on a future European space strategy.
Migrations and Revolutions: Reflections on the Recent Events in North Africa from an International Relations Perspective
The promise of democracy enshrined in the "Arab Spring" has been accompanied by significant developments in migration flows across North Africa and to Europe. With political turmoil sweeping across North Africa and the Middle East, hundreds of thousands of persons, mainly from Libya, have been displaced since January 2011.
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Sino-Japanese Reconciliation
Ifri and the Canon Institute for Global Studies are launching a series of policy papers presenting the analyses of senior Japanese researchers on how the triple disasters that hit the archipelago last March have impacted Japan's economic, environmental and energy policies as well as country's crisis management system.
In Defense of Deterrence: the Relevance, Morality and Cost-Effectiveness of Nuclear Weapons
Since 1945, nuclear deterrence has frequently been the target of continuous criticism on strategic, legal and moral grounds. In the past five years, however, the renewed debate on nuclear disarmament has been accompanied by an increase in such criticism.