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Democracy in Asia: Models, Trends and Geopolitical Implications

Date de publication
12 February 2018

Assessing the state of democracy in Asia is a challenge. While some countries, such as Japan and India, have been showing the way from early days, some others, such as in Southeast Asia are still struggling to ensure stable and sustainable democratic institutions and practices.

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Beyond ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ Putin: Debating Russia Policies in France and Germany

Date de publication
31 January 2018

Attitudes vis-à-vis Russia expressed in the public sphere are heterogeneous, in France more so than in Germany. In both France and Germany, the general public is by and large skeptical of Vladimir Putin and his policies. The picture is more diverse in the political realm. In Germany, there (still) is an approach that might be qualified as “mainstream”. The French debate, in turn, is highly fragmented.

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Mixing Business with Europe: What Role for Companies on the Future of the EU?

Date de publication
30 January 2018

The European Union (EU) is facing what the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, calls a ‘polycrisis’. The EU is under increasing pressure to deliver and address citizens’ concerns.

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Papua New Guinea: Continuing to Muddle Through

Date de publication
24 January 2018

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the most resource-rich countries in the world, but successive governments have failed to put the country on a stable development track.

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The Role of Gas in the European Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities

Date de publication
16 January 2018

Following difficult years for the European gas industry, natural gas is back to the front stage.

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US Energy and Environmental Policies. From Obama to Trump. Continuities and Divergences

Date de publication
12 January 2018

President Trump’s administration is characterized by its systematic denial and repealing of measures from his predecessor, be it in foreign policy or domestic policy. This is particularly the case for the energy and environmental policies. There is however a continuity from one administration to another: the steady rise of US hydrocarbon production and the development of the US as a global leader in oil and gas production and in the near future, their exports to global markets.

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The Energy Transition and the Challenge of Critical Raw Materials

Date de publication
05 January 2018

The geopolitical analyses of energy markets are traditionally focused on fossil fuels, and less on renewable energy sources.  

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A Brave New World for Trade

Date de publication
21 December 2017

The global environment for trade is undergoing significant changes. New emerging players such as China are aiming to adapt the rules and institutions inherited from the postwar Bretton Woods system.


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