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'Unprecedented' security operation promised for Paris Olympic Games

24 July 2024

The organisers of the Paris Olympics have promised an "unprecedented" security operation in the city ahead of the official start of the games later this week, and indeed the signs are everywhere in the heart of the French capital.

Les guerres contre la drogue. Armées, sécurité intérieure et narcotrafic en Amérique latine

Date de publication
03 September 2018

In the context of a persistent impunity enjoyed by organized crime and drug trafficking groups, many countries in Latin America, and especially Mexico and Colombia, have opted to assign military personnel to internal security tasks.

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France vs. Jihadism: The Republic in a New Age of Terror

Date de publication
30 January 2017

This paper assesses the current state of the jihadist threat to France, as well as the French authorities’ security response. With the upcoming presidential election, 2017 will be a decisive year for the country. Terrorism will be at the heart of the campaign and ISIS will most likely try to strike again.

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La Sentinelle égarée ? L’armée de Terre face au terrorisme

Date de publication
09 June 2016

The 2015 terror attacks in France and the ensuing activation by the Ministry of Defense of its homeland protection plan opened a new phase in the long history of the French Army’s involvement in internal security.


In France, are soldiers outside the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre really worth it?

04 June 2016

Sentinel represents a watershed development in French military operations. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the number of French army soldiers actively deployed in metropolitan France roughly equals that of overseas operations. But the military establishment here is far from unified on the value of an operation often seen as a costly and superficial means of reassuring civilians and tourists at the expense of substantive improvement to national security.

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France vs. Jihadism: The Republic in a New Age of Terror

Date de publication
30 January 2017

This paper assesses the current state of the jihadist threat to France, as well as the French authorities’ security response. With the upcoming presidential election, 2017 will be a decisive year for the country. Terrorism will be at the heart of the campaign and ISIS will most likely try to strike again.

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La Sentinelle égarée ? L’armée de Terre face au terrorisme

Date de publication
09 June 2016

The 2015 terror attacks in France and the ensuing activation by the Ministry of Defense of its homeland protection plan opened a new phase in the long history of the French Army’s involvement in internal security.

Image principale médiatique

'Unprecedented' security operation promised for Paris Olympic Games

24 July 2024

The organisers of the Paris Olympics have promised an "unprecedented" security operation in the city ahead of the official start of the games later this week, and indeed the signs are everywhere in the heart of the French capital.


In France, are soldiers outside the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre really worth it?

04 June 2016

Sentinel represents a watershed development in French military operations. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the number of French army soldiers actively deployed in metropolitan France roughly equals that of overseas operations. But the military establishment here is far from unified on the value of an operation often seen as a costly and superficial means of reassuring civilians and tourists at the expense of substantive improvement to national security.

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Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024