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Research Areas:

  • Digital geopolitics: cyber-conflict; Internet governance; artificial intelligence ; 5G; data
  • Digital/cyber strategy of the Russian authorities; digital mobilization; information warfare
  • Russian foreign and security policy
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Russie, Eurasie, Carte
Russia/Eurasia Center
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Authentic Modern High Tech Robot Weapon
Center for Geopolitics of Technology
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Biographie En

Julien Nocetti is an associate researcher at the Geopolitics of Technology Center and at the Russia/Eurasia Center of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri). He is currently an advisor on digital, cyber and technological affairs at the Center for Analysis, Forecasting and Strategy (CAPS) of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. He is also an associate member of the GEODE center (Geopolitics of the Datasphere – Paris 8 University) and teaches technology diplomacy at the Sciences Po School of International Affairs (PSIA). He was a teacher-researcher in international relations and strategic studies at the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy (2019-2023) and a researcher at the Russia/NEI Center at Ifri between 2009 and 2019. He holds a doctorate in political science from the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (INALCO).

His research focuses, on the one hand, on digital geopolitics, particularly cyber conflict, international governance of the Internet and artificial intelligence and the manipulation of information. On the other hand, a specialist in Russian foreign policy, he works on Russian policies on cybersecurity and information warfare, as well as on Moscow's policy in the Middle East.

On all of these issues, he regularly participates in international conferences and publishes comments in the French and international press; information warfare
Russian foreign and security policy.

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Ramses Conference
Analysis from Julien NOCETTI

Guerre de l'information : le web russe dans le conflit en Ukraine

Date de publication
30 September 2015

Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, Russia has been waging an information war that reflects its perception of its relationship towards the West as being that of a state of permanent conflict which needs the use of alternative tools to weaken both the enemy’s will and the capabilities.

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Guerre de l'information : le web russe dans le conflit en Ukraine

Date de publication
30 September 2015

Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, Russia has been waging an information war.

Internet, accélérateur des transformations de la Russie

Date de publication
01 February 2013

La crise économique mondiale survenue en 2008, qui s’est durement répercutée en Russie, a cristallisé le mécontentement de la population, en particulier des classes moyennes et supérieures. Ce ressentiment, les réseaux sociaux et les blogs permettent de l’exposer sur la « place publique » en obtenant une résonance significative. Cette évolution n’est pas propre à la Russie ; elle est générationnelle.

Disponible sur Cairn

Emerging Powers and Internet: Finding a Third Way?

Date de publication
01 December 2014

Washington plays a leading role in Internet Governance, which is hardly surprising given the origins of the Internet and America’s technological ascendancy. However, the majority of Internet users are in non-Western countries. 

Obama's Diplomacy as Showcased by Web 2.0

Date de publication
24 March 2011

Obama's administration is intent on restoring the US image abroad. 

Russia: Will the Web Reinvent Policy?

Date de publication
20 June 2012

The Web has seen a spectacular development in Russia, opening an intermediary political space through which protesters against the regime have been able to coalesce, as shown by the events in late 2011 and early 2012. 

"Digital Kremlin": Power and the Internet in Russia

Date de publication
20 April 2011

The Russian Internet, which has undergone considerable development in the last decade, remains subject to constant scrutiny from the Kremlin. Digital technology has posed a challenge to the governance and political legitimacy of the ruling class, which has been anticipated by President Medvedev. 

From Moscow to Mecca: Russia's Saudi Arabian Diplomacy

Date de publication
14 June 2010

Relations between Russia and Saudi Arabia have never been as friendly as they were in 2009. After years of tension over Saudi support for Islamist fundamentalism in the post-Soviet space and Russia's proximity to Iran and Iraq, Moscow and Riyadh have progressively moved closer to each other. 

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