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Etre ou ne pas être : (auto-)perceptions européennes à travers le prisme de la guerre en Irak

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In this article the author examines the Europeans' behaviour during the Iraq crisis and attempts to sketch European identity in this context. The conflict of 2002/2003 revealed how European public opinion apprehended the question of military intervention, relations to the United States and the role of the European Union on an international scale. It certainly can not be affirmed that Europeans are united in diplomatic and strategic policies, as, on the one hand, the political elite was at odds with itself and as, on the other, too short a period of time was analyzed in the article to be conclusive on this issue. However, elements of an emerging European public sphere can be discerned when referring to a minimal spirit of togetherness and to the sharing of identical criteria of interpretation.


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Etre ou ne pas être : (auto-)perceptions européennes à travers le prisme de la guerre en Irak, from Ifri by