Prénom de l'expert
Nom de l'expert
Research Fellow, Russia/Eurasia Center, Ifri
Research Areas:
- Russian strategic thought
- Russian armed forces
- Russian political-strategic culture
- Threat perceptions
- Russian political-military elites
- Russian nuclear deterrence
- Franco-Russian relations
Dimitri Minic is a researcher at the Russia/Eurasia Center at Ifri. He has a doctorate in the history of international relations from Sorbonne University (2021) and is the author of Pensée et culture stratégiques russes : du contournement de la lutte armée à la guerre en Ukraine (Paris, Maison des sciences de l’homme, April 2023), the book based on his thesis for which he received the Albert Thibaudet Prize. His research focuses on Russian strategic thinking, the Russian military, and Russian hybrid and high-intensity capabilities. He also works on the strategic culture of Russian political-military elites and the perception of threats.
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