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The Rise of China, Threat and Opportunity for the Advanced Countries

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


Over the last two decades, China has been taking an increasing part in international trade. The international networks of production developed by multinational companies determine in great part the composition and geographical distribution of the international trade in manufactured products from China, which specializes in assembly-line operations. This integration of China within networks of production explains why the country does not only export labour intensive products, but also high technology products, with this exarcebating perceptions of chinese competition. This perception of threats as well as of wide-ranging opportunities which chinese growth represents do however vary according to the situation of the different advanced countries. Opportunities vary in particular according to the international specialization of each economy and to its capacity to sustain growth through innovation. France finds itself from this point of view in an unfavourable position.

Frédérique Sachwald is the head of Economic Studies and is an Associate Professor at University Paris Nord.


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