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National Security and Arms Control Under the Bush Administration

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


Since coming to power, the Bush administration has taken steps that would indicate a break with the strategic doctrine that had been bequeathed by the Cold War and which, for many Republicans, was no longer suited to guaranteeing the security and protection of the US. Opting for a policy of arms supremacy tinged with « realism » and « unilateralism » runs the risk, however, of causing destabilization in global strategic balances. Forsaking bilateral agreements negotiated with Russia and taking initiatives that clash with allies’ sensibilities or that run counter to Chinese interests, could even endanger American national security. Moreover, the September 11 attacks showed that the most serious threat weighing on the US, and other Western societies, does not necessarily come from so-called « rogue » states with nuclear weapons. Following the tragedy, this new order will no doubt force Washington to reconsider some of its choices, particularly in international cooperation.

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