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The emergence of China viewed from France

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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The post-cold war world cannot be described anymore as an opposition between two blocs, but as a coexistence of powers. In this context, the recent emergence of China forces to think again its relations with the international community. China seems to be at the same time a strong partner and a potential rival, both militarily and economically. The international community therefore wants guarantees, in terms of human rights, economy, or foreign policy. The ambivalent relationship between China and the USA, the lack of European policy in China and the specificity of the French Chinese policy show the necessity of answering this question: how can a realistic and renewed multilateralism, including China, emerge?

Hubert Védrine, is diplomatic counsellor for the French Presidency in 1981. He is then nominated counsellor for Strategic Affairs (1988-1991), then Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Republic (1991-1995). Minister of Foreign Affairs in Lionel Jospin's government (1997-2002), he creates, in 2003, Hubert Védrine Conseil.


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