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Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management: a European Contribution

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


In comparison to the “shadows zones” of globalisation, conflict prevention and crisis management are at the heart of international relations. The European Union must play a part in this important area. Firstly, because the European construction is a model of pacification and stabilisation: by expandingto the East and by promoting integration efforts in other regions (Mercosur), it shows that peace can result from de facto, especially economic, solidarities. The Union has also developed a number of tools for use in conflict prevention : development policy, initiatives in the aftermath of conflicts (construction of schools, railways, sanitary infrastructure). Recently, the Union decided to give priority to an integrated approach to conflict prevention so as to favour stability in all its aspects: democratic, economic, social etc.: the initiative in Colombia is an illustration of this desire Finally, the Union wishes to intervene more actively in the civil management of crises: a rapid reaction process was created last February and a crisis committee was put in place this summer. The success of this policy depends to a large extent on solidarity within the Union and a relevant “sharing of tasks” with other international organizations.

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