Pan-european Integration Processes:Towards a Mutual Vision through Cross-Border Synergies, Minsk
Informations pratiques
Thématiques et régions
Centres et programmes liés
Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont closes.
En savoir plus sur nos programmes de soutienThe conference is organised by the Minsk Dialogue Track-II Initiative (Belarus) in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany) and the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (Austria-France), and supported by the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), and the French and Austrian Embassies in Belarus.
The conference will work on the assumption that a way to greater pan-European integration goes through cross-border cooperation and synergies that result gradually from such mutually beneficial cooperation. To that end, the Minsk Dialogue expert group will prepare a report with an overview of current academic and policy discussions about pan-European integration processes and ideas on how to move these discussions onto a more pragmatic level. The report will be presented at the conference and guide discussions during the conference sessions.
The event will run in parallel with the high-level official conference on pan-European integration processes co-organised by the Government of Belarus and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, a Eurasian Economic Union Commissioner and other officials will also participate in our Track-II conference.
• To examine ways to advance pan-European integration processes by facilitating crossborder cooperation in various areas of mutual interest (economic growth and business
opportunities, security challenges, and energy infrastructure).
• To discuss conceptual frameworks for advancing pan-European integration.
• To promote informed discussions about pan-European integration processes and challenges in the media.
Please find the agenda attached
Contact: Sarah Veit - [email protected]
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