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Ceci est un événement réservé.
En savoir plus sur nos programmes de soutienDisputed interpretations of the Law of the Sea
Challenges to the non-proliferation regime
Competing mega-FTAs
Energy Security
How will the rise of Asia shape future international norms and practices?
Join us to discuss this crucial issue with leading experts:
Morning session:
Disputed international norms in East Asia and geopolitical stability
• Interpretations of the Law of the Sea in the Indo-Pacific region and its implications for security
• Competing identities, arms races and proliferation
Afternoon session:
How are Asian powers going to reshape the international norms and practices?
• Asian powers and norms for trade
• Trade and conflict - The risks of interdependency and the coercive use of economic power
Among our speakers are:
Amitav Acharya, Professor, School of International Service, Washington D.C.
Masashi Nishihara, President of the Research Institute for Peace and Security
Commander Jonathan G. Odom, Oceans Policy Advisor in the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense ; Judge Advocate General’s Corps, U.S. Navy
Keisuke Sadamori, Director, Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency
John Ravenhill, Director of the Balsillie School of International Affairs and Professor of Political Science, University of Waterloo
Yorizumi Watanabe, Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Emeritus Professor, IMD, Lausanne; Founder, The Evian Group
Detailed program of the conference
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