Practical information
Event by personal invitation only
A luncheon debate with Alain ANTIL, Researcher, Head of the Subsaharian Africa Programme.
To speak of Africa as a growth source is fashionable. Looking at it more closely, growth is in reality very badly geographically dispatched.
Growth remains often confined in prosperity enclaves: large cities, sea shores, direct environments of mining or oil sites, rural areas well connected to road networks and market towns. Those enclaves are located in the middle of territoires of deprivation, abandonned by public authorities. In other words, growth cannot be considered without taking in account the territorial fragmentation, and its impacts in terms of risks.
Chair: Thomas GOMART, Vice President for Strategic Development
These luncheons are exlusively dedicated to corporate members and individual benefactors. By personal invitation.
Find out more
Gas in Mozambique: a High-risk Economic Revolution
Since oil was discovered in Uganda in 2006, East Africa has been an arena for a race in the exploration for hydro-carbons. Yet the oil reserves in Uganda, the more recent and modest ones in Kenya and the few pockets of gas in Ethiopia are on a completely different scale from the enormous gas resources discovered since 2010 in the off-shore waters of Mozambique and Tanzania.
La recomposition de la politique étrangère turque en Afrique subsaharienne : Entre diplomatie publique et acteurs privés
La présence économique et diplomatique de la Turquie en Afrique est méconnue. Elle participe d'une tendance forte de ces vingt dernières années : l'investissement de pays émergents dans les économies africaines, venant ainsi concurrencer les partenaires historiques de ces pays.
Quelle success story pour l'Éthiopie ?
Ces dernières années, la sphère médiatique n'a pas manqué d'expressions afin de qualifier la « success story » éthiopienne. Disposant du taux de croissance le plus soutenu parmi les pays africains non producteurs de pétrole (10 % par an en moyenne [i]), l'Éthiopie serait en voie de devenir un « nouvel Eldorado », un « African Lion » ou encore le « nouveau Far East » [ii]. La classe moyenne éthiopienne « fleurissante », à la fois portée par la croissance et porteuse de cette croissance, par son activité économique et sa capacité de consommation, est souvent érigée en vedette.
Other events
Lunch debate with Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand
Discussion co-chaired by Thierry de Montbrial, Executive Chairman of Ifri, member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and Marc Hecker, Deputy Director of Ifri (in English without translation).
North Korea Beyond Nukes: Focusing on the Human Rights Challenge
Debates surrounding North Korea are primarily focused on security issues, particularly nuclear and ballistic concerns, relegating the critical situation of the North Korean population and human rights violations to the background. The lack of information about the real living conditions of North Koreans contributes to the absence of attention and discussion on this crucial issue.
Shaping Europe’s Technological Sovereignty
In the wake of Donald Trump's re-election in the United States, Europeans face a crucial imperative: rethinking their sovereigny, especially in the technological realm. What will be the strategic priorities and action levers of the new European Commission on this issue? What assessment can we make of the previous Commission’s achievements and challenges in navigating Sino-American technological competition, transatlantic dependencies, and emerging global partnerships?