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Associated Research Fellow

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Vivien Pertusot is Head of Brussels Office. He coordinates Ifri's research programme "REcalibrate Security in Europe and in the Transatlantic area" (RESET), which focuses on defence policies and defence cooperation in Europe. He is also the coordinator of the project "Building Bridges between National Perspectives on the European Union". 

Its research primarily looks at issues related to the future of the European Union, security and defence policies in Europe and the relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

He previously worked at NATO and Carnegie Europe.

He has a Master's degree in Middle Eastern Politics and History from King's College London and in International Relations from IRIS Sup in Paris. He has also studied for a year at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas.

His publications have appeared in Le Monde, Le Figaro, European Geostrategy, Atlantico, RUSI, Carnegie Europe and others. He is frequently interviewed by the French and international press.

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Conférence Ramses 2024
Analysis from Vivien PERTUSOT

European Defence: Minilateralism is not the enemy

Date de publication
30 May 2015

To access the whole publication, please click on this link.

Finally Something New in European Defense

Date de publication
03 March 2015

The European defense debate is stepping away from the classical opposition between zealots of “Europe of Defense” and supporters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

Brexit: The French View

Date de publication
01 September 2014
Image principale

A New Era for the European Council ?

Date de publication
18 December 2014

Donald Tusk is set to make his mark as the new president of the European council. How will this be felt across the other institutions that make up the EU?

Image principale

Juncker's 'last chance' Commission: Can he deliver?

Date de publication
23 October 2014

Jean-Claude Juncker has made a surprisingly strong start. But behind the clear priorities and the innovative team set-up, his ability to restore trust in the EU remains to be seen.

Britain's potential exit from the EU – Weimar Triangle Analyses: French, Polish and German viewpoints on European questions

Date de publication
20 February 2013

On an initiative of the German Council of Foreign Relations (DGAP), the Study Committee for Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) and the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) are regularly publishing short contributions on a common subject, written by three experts of these institutes. The purpose of these “Weimar Triangle Analyses” is to give the French, Polish and German views on central questions of European politics and European integration.

In Europe, not Ruled by Europe: Tough Love between Britain and the EU

Date de publication
27 March 2013

Discussions of a potential “Brexit”, the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, have sparked debate in Britain, and also across Europe, intensified by the UK veto of the “fiscal compact” at the European Council in December 2011. What sounded like the absurd pipedream of a few hard-core eurosceptics a couple of years ago has now become a genuine possibility.

Tough love between Britain and the European Union

Date de publication
27 March 2013

Discussions of a potential “Brexit”, the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, have sparked debate in Britain, and also across Europe, intensified by the UK veto of the “fiscal compact” at the European Council in December 2011. What sounded like the absurd pipedream of a few hard-core eurosceptics a couple of years ago has now become a genuine possibility.

NATO Partnerships: Shaking Hands or Shaking the System?

Date de publication
17 June 2011

The new Strategic Concept takes stock of the past ten years but outlines only modest objectives for the future of NATO. Partnership falls under the third core task, cooperative security. A subsequent partnership policy was unveiled, but has provided little new impetus. 

Challenges ahead for Global Europe

Date de publication
28 January 2014

The year ahead will be critical in determining the European Union’s standing on the global stage.