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Terrorism and Domestic Security


As the porosity between theaters of operation and societies continues to grow, the boundary between defense and homeland security is evolving in line with threats such as terrorism, information warfare and organized crime.

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Belgian Army patrolling on a street near Avenue Louise in the city center of Brussels on November 22, 2015 in Brussels, Belgium.
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A “New Era”? Toward a Realignment of German Foreign Policy after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Date de publication
07 March 2022

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s speech to the Bundestag on February 27, 2022, announced a new orientation in foreign policy and challenged the principles that had been the consensus in Germany for the past thirty years.

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The Dilemma of Middle Powers: How AUKUS Has Reshaped the Potential for E3 Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
28 October 2021

The Indo-Pacific region is increasingly becoming the center of gravity of economy and geopolitics. It covers 60% of the world’s population, triggers 30% of international trade and drains 60% of global gross domestic product (GDP).

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France hopes deporting more alleged radicals will bring security

04 July 2021

France has repatriated more than half the people it defined as radical Islamists living in the country without a residence permit since 2018. Now it wants to extend the penalty and deport even more.

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A Kingdom in Troubled Waters: Lesotho's Forgotten Political and Security Crises

Date de publication
28 April 2021

Lesotho is a landlocked mountain kingdom encased in South Africa for which it is a reservoir of water and labor. This kingdom of tormented creation is in a structural political and security crisis. Since 1993 and the return to multiparty politics, all elections, except that of 2002, needed regional mediation. 

Thibaud KURTZ
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La Guerre de Vingt Ans couverture, Marc Hecker, Élie Tenenbaum

La Guerre de vingt ans. Djihadisme et contre-terrorisme au XXIe siècle

Date de publication
26 April 2021

La Guerre de vingt ans was awarded the Prize for the best book on geopolitics in 2021.


Germany calls for closer cooperation with France over security threats

21 April 2021

German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has called for closer bilateral cooperation with France in light of the tense security situation in Europe marked by the Russian “threat”, the rise of China and spreading “Islamist terrorism” in the Sahel region.

Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside

Date de publication
01 February 2021

France has traditionally taken a security-based approach to the fight against terror. It was a latecomer to the field of radicalization prevention and the establishment of disengagement programs aimed at jihadists. It only started to think seriously about the issue in 2013 and its first attempts involved certain irregularities.

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L’Iran et ses “proxys” au Moyen-Orient. Les défis de la guerre par procuration

Date de publication
30 March 2020

If Iran is a key player in the Middle East, it is in no small part because of its extensive network of armed militia, which it uses as proxies.

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Armed Violence in the Sahara. Are We Moving From Jihadism to Insurgency?

Date de publication
20 December 2019

While everyone is questioning the effectiveness of the anti-terrorist response in the Sahel, the first challenge is to ensure that the jihadist phenomenon in the Sahel is fully understood. 

Les guerres contre la drogue. Armées, sécurité intérieure et narcotrafic en Amérique latine

Date de publication
03 September 2018

In the context of a persistent impunity enjoyed by organized crime and drug trafficking groups, many countries in Latin America, and especially Mexico and Colombia, have opted to assign military personnel to internal security tasks.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024
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Belgian Army patrolling in Brussels
© CRM/Shutterstock