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War’s Indirection or the Return of the Limited War

Date de publication
01 December 2015

Over the last few years both the United States and Russia seem to have changed their conception of how to deploy force. 

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Edward Snowden and democratization through the web

31 July 2013

Why did Edward Snowden decide to disclose information related to U.S. secret services?

- Edward Snowden belongs to that generation of militants who do believe in the web as a tool for democratization, and do think that, to some extent, intelligence services of big states intend to monitor and to control the web at the expense of civil societies. This generation of militants believes in democratization through the web, and they want to fight against the "raison d'Etat". In that sense, there will be certainly other people like Snowden who will be ready to defend that cause of transparency. We'll see what is going to happen, but I definitely think he will become more and more a sort of a symbol of this cause, as Julian Assange is.

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Internet Governance after Snowden

Date de publication
01 December 2014

The Snowden affair could bring about major changes in the structure of the Internet and its governance. Technologies should now a priori integrate standards which give citizens the capacity to keep a check on what data is available.

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