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Political Systems


At the end of the Cold War, the idea spread that liberal democracy was going to take over the world. In reality, authoritarian regimes have resisted, and political systems remain varied.

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European Economic Governance: Past Errors and Future Promises

Date de publication
14 December 2021

The eurozone crisis marked a real failure of European Union (EU) policy, which led to mediocre economic performance and the erosion of its political legitimacy among the populations of member states.

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Strengthening Sovereignty in the Era of Global Value Chains

Date de publication
14 December 2021

How to reduce the vulnerabilities induced by these global value chains to be more independent, while taking into account the reality of these productive processes which precisely generate interdependencies?

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EU-Japan Relations: Moving Forward

Date de publication
25 May 2021

EU-Japan relations have undergone a major uplift over the past 5 years. Bound by the Economic and Strategic Partnership Agreements, as well as the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity, the two once-distant players have been stepping up efforts to address the many shared security concerns in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. Ahead of the upcoming EU-Japan summit, this Policy Brief takes stock of the current state of play and offers some food for thought on how to move forward with the bilateral relationship.

A Region of Flashpoints? Security in the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
16 September 2021

The Indo-Pacific mega-region is home to the world’s most fluid, complex, and dangerous security environment. Lingering traditional security flashpoints (Taiwan Strait, North Korea, territorial disputes) are exacerbated by the rise of China and the US–China great power competition.

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India-Taiwan Ties: A Case for Stronger Partnership

Date de publication
23 November 2021

The links between India and Taiwan have gathered unprecedented momentum in recent years. This has largely come about due to growing support for Taiwan at civil society level in India.


Business as Usual for Next Franco-German Couple, Despite Dticking Points

19 November 2021

While some argue that the next Franco-German power couple could be business as usual, there are some potential sticking points ahead.

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Philanthropy and Migration in Europe: What Role for Foundations?

Date de publication
29 October 2021

The 2015 “crisis” accelerated and/or intensified the involvement of foundations (in particular those from the private sector) in the field of migration. The crisis not only created a sense of urgency, but also generated a movement of public empathy that foundations were willing to accompany and amplify. It was also seen as a challenge to Europe and its humanist values, which foundations sought to defend in accordance with their own beliefs in inclusive societies.

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Which way for Germany’s foreign policy after the 2021 elections?

21 September 2021

After 16 years of Angela Merkel, Germany’s federal election will not only pave the way for a new government but also for a brand-new foreign policy. At least potentially.

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A Changing Germany: The Party System Tested in the 2021 German Federal Elections

Date de publication
05 October 2021

The German federal elections of September 26, 2021 were marked by the departure of the outgoing chancellor, Angela Merkel, who was not seeking re-election. The scattering of the vote and the high volatility of voters have led to a redefinition of the landscape and geography of parties in Germany.

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Namibia’s Fair-Weather Friends and One All-Weather Friend

Date de publication
29 September 2021

The relationship between Namibia and its historical partners has evolved over the last thirty years since Namibian independence. As in many countries, Namibia has been going through transformation, influenced by the process of globalization. This created new sets of geopolitical challenges and opened up new opportunities for Namibia's small and poorly diversified economy which has relied heavily on the mining industry.

What Role for the EU in Doha?

Date de publication
28 November 2012

Historical leader of the fight against climate change, the European Union’s influence declined in Copenhagen. This opened the way to the so-called BASIC countries to show their willingness to become a driving force in the international climate agenda. Interestingly enough, the Copenhagen conference also introduced a welcome shift in the traditional UN separation between developed and non-developed countries.

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ETFIM Country report: United Kingdom

European Task Force on Irregular Migrations - Country Report: United Kingdom

Date de publication
29 September 2011

Irregularity of status, or „illegal‟ migration, has become a significant issue of public interest over the last 10 years. It is argued that the numbers game and moral panic shifted from black communities in the early 1980s to „bogus‟ asylum seekers in the early 1990s, and to irregular migrants in the late 1990s (Clandestino 2008: 18). We argue that public concern over irregular migration results from the tension between the needs of the UK economy for labour migration and the attempts of successive governments to convince voters that they are in control of immigration, and that they only allow inflows beneficial to the country. This situation generates loud and tough discourses on asylum and irregular migration, which remain closely related issues in Britain today.

Turkey's re-imagined neighborhood policy after the Arab Spring

Date de publication
19 April 2012

Joshua W. Walker was a speaker at the international conference on “The international consequences of the Arab Spring” held at Ifri on March 13th, 2012. This paper is a follow up on his oral intervention.

China's Two-Track Foreign Policy: From Ambiguous to Clear-Cut Positions

Date de publication
16 December 2012

This analysis examines the current ambiguities, priorities and approaches of Chinese foreign policy from a practitioner’s perspective, taking into account experiences of Beijing-based diplomats (interviews conducted in 2011 and 2012), in addition to recent Chinese foreign policy positions and official communications.
It leads to the following conclusions:

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ETFIM Country Report: Italy

European Task Force on Irregular Migrations - Country Report: Italy

Date de publication
29 September 2011

In order to understand the present configuration of immigration policies in Italy, it is necessary to follow a path of double logic at every step of the analysis. On one side, the study will identify consistent trends in the country’s “immigration history” that continue to shape the main features of the reality of immigration today (see §§ 2.1 and 2.2). On the other side, the study will focus on major changes in the regulation of immigration and the policies addressing undocumented migrants that occurred in more recent times (see § 2.3.).

South Africa and the Arab Spring: opportunities to match diplomacy goals and strategies

Date de publication
19 April 2012

This paper highlights how the Arab Spring magnified a two-dimensional gap in South Africa’s foreign policy. First that South Africa does not have a vision which reconciles demands for achieving the goals of protecting human rights, sovereignty, and multilateralism; second, that its strategies do not meet set goals. The paper then provides tentative explanations to this gap. It ends by elaborating what in the “African Awakening” and in the midst of the Arab Spring are opportunities for South Africa to overcome this gap.

ASEAN-India Political Cooperation: How to reinforce a much-needed pillar?

Date de publication
30 March 2013

India is one of Southeast Asia’s principal neighbors and there is certainly great potential for cooperation with the region and its institutional representation, ASEAN. But does India properly exploit this opportunity? Is Southeast Asia satisfied with the level of engagement?

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ETFIM Country Report: Spain

European Task Force on Irregular Migrations - Country Report: Spain

Date de publication
29 September 2011

Spain represents in many ways an exceptional case study for research on immigration and especially irregular immigration. 

Renewables in Transport: Directive 2009/28/EC - Devils in its Details

Date de publication
10 February 2011

This Actuelle precedes a longer and more exhaustive paper on Electric Vehicles, under the title "The Electric Vehicle in the Climate Change Race: Tortoise, Hare or both?" by Maïté de Boncourt.

As part of the 3*20 targets reached in December 2008, the EC decided that the EU should, by 2020, source 20% of its Final Energy Consumption (FEC) renewably. 

The Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Future of the Euro

Date de publication
30 July 2010

The specter of sovereign defaults is back. The roots of a sovereign debt crisis are deep and concern all the industrialized countries. In 2010, those fears coagulated on Greece because Greece was the worst offender. Disgusted by the political economy of the Eurozone, investors concluded in the spring that the Eurozone and its currency had lost its attractiveness. But it would be completely premature to conclude that the Eurozone is condemned. What happened in the spring is breathtaking and very much in line with the European tradition to use every crisis as an opportunity: the paper offers a dissenting, unfashionable and optimistic view of the future of the Euro.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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