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International Organizations and Multilateralism


Rhetoric on the crisis of multilateralism is frequent. International organizations (UN, WTO, etc.) remain no less important, while other forums (G20, BRICS, etc.) are asserting themselves.

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Switzerland; Geneva; March 9, 2018; The rows of the United Nations member states flags in front of the United Nations Office in Geneva
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The G20 from Seoul to Cannes : Towards a Global Governance Committee

Date de publication
07 April 2011

After two years of existence at the Heads of State and Government level, the Group of 20 (G20) has reached a turning point. In this new context, a number of questions need to be addressed-in particular, as to how to ensure the transition from a crisis management body to a global governance committee. How can the G20 solve the legitimacy problems inherent to its structure and nature? How can it address its representativeness deficit? What should be the exact mandate of the Group and how can this mandate be achieved?

The G20 and the Challenge of International Financial Re-regulation

Date de publication
18 January 2011

The crisis, it is now widely accepted, means that markets failed. Meeting for the first time in Washington in November 2008, the G20 embarked in a ride of re-regulation. Months of negotiations later, it dramatically appears different to agree on principles and broad objectives, and to write and enforce rules and commitments. 

Global Governance of Biodiversity: New Perspectives on a Shared Challenge

Date de publication
22 December 2010

This report aims to provide a first mapping of the global governance of biodiversity, through an investigation of the interactions between the various actors, institutions, norms, tools and processes that structure it. It chooses to do so by bringing together different visions or perceptions on the nature, shape and characteristics of the current global governance of biodiversity.

An Analysis of North Korea's Principal Trade Relations

Date de publication
15 July 2010

The Direction of Trade Statistics by IMF is the most representative statistical data for bilateral trade with North Korea. However, IMF statistics underestimate North Korea's international trade since they do not classify inter-Korean trade as international trade. Therefore, this study restructures statistics on North Korea by combining the IMF and inter-Korean trade data, and it analyzes the structure of North Korea's international trade. In addition, it conducts a unique analysis of trade structures, since other studies have not analyzed production processes in North Korean trade.

This analysis identifies six main characteristics of North Korea's trade:

Russian Gas Diplomacy

Date de publication
25 June 2010

Thank goodness our early warning systems during the cold war were not structured so we could see the flash at the same time we heard the warning. On Monday, the Russians notified the Europeans under an “Early Warning” agreement negotiated after the last Ukrainian gas cutoff that they had already cut gas flows to Belarus by 15% and that would increase cuts to 85% by the end of the week. Not very good news for the Belarusians who enjoy the most gasified economy in the world - everything there runs on gas.

Morocco and its "New Border". A Critical Lecture of Morocco's Economic African Strategy

Date de publication
24 June 2010

Since Mohammed VI came into power, Morocco’s African policy has undergone notable change in comparison to his predecessor’s period.

Maghreb Countries' Economic Projection on Sub-Saharan Africa

Date de publication
24 June 2010

While largely interrupted by the colonial period premise, trade relations between the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa have enjoyed a new boom with the independence era. However, until the end of the 1990s, the African policy of the three Maghreb countries significantly impacted their economic projection.

Chinese and Indian Economic Presence in the Maghreb

Date de publication
24 June 2010

One of the major events of the last couple of decades has been the rise of China and India, reflected by their increasingly important economic presence in the world, both in terms of trade flows and of foreign direct investments.

Africa, which has long remained the former colonial powers" “private hunting ground”, does not seem to escape from Indian and Chinese presence and activity, hence worrying Africa"s traditional partners.

The United States' Economic Strategy and Presence in the Maghreb

Date de publication
24 June 2010

Before the 9/11 events, US-Maghreb relations were growing stronger, especially after the United States had long left the floor to the Maghreb’s “natural” European partner. Therefore, the American action in this region was in line with a mechanism previously set off by Clinton Administration member, Stuart Eizenstat, which aimed at reducing intra-regional obstacles and stimulating American investments towards an area where Americans were little-represented. Hence Washington seemed more involved in promoting the emergence of a strong, world-economy-integrated Maghrebi market.

Japan's Ambivalent Diplomacy on Climate Change

Date de publication
31 May 2010

Japan often pictures itself as an environmental leader. While many examples of Japan’s actions against climate change are in line with global climate change norms, others can be in opposition to them.

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Page image credits
Rows of the United Nations member states flags in front of the United Nations Office in Geneva
© Bascar/Shutterstock