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The Gazprom-Naftogaz Stockholm Arbitration Awards: Time for Settlements and Responsible Behaviour

Date de publication
13 March 2018

The signing in January 2009 of the gas supply and transit contracts between Gazprom and Naftogaz marked a turning point in Russian-Ukrainian gas relations: yearly intergovernmental, last minute and non-transparent winter deals were replaced by a predictable, long term commercial relationship. 


Macron wants a powerful EU

16 February 2018

French President Emmanuel Macron is accelerating EU defense cooperation. The biggest obstacle are the French-German cultural differences. Can terrorism, Trump and Putin force closer military cooperation in Europe? Yes, says Barbara Kunz, research fellow at the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) in Paris and expert on defense cooperation in the EU.

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The EU Battery Alliance. Can Europe Avoid Technological Dependence?

Date de publication
20 February 2018

With the launch of its “battery alliance”, the European Union is finally taking up the industrial battle with Asia and hopes to meet a large share of the surging demand for electrical batteries. Yet, the clock is ticking and the future of battery manufacturing in Europe depends primarily on the strategies that automakers will adopt.

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Renewable Energy in India: Solutions to the Financing Challenge

Date de publication
19 February 2018

India has committed to ambitious action on climate change, but financing its renewable energy goals remains a significant challenge.

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The Role of Gas in the European Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities

Date de publication
16 January 2018

Following difficult years for the European gas industry, natural gas is back to the front stage.

Reforming the EU electricity markets - Florian ERMACORA

13 July 2017

Florian Ermacora, Head of the Internal Energy Market Unit in DG Energy, explains how the Clean Energy Package will improve the functioning of the internal electricity market, and how the new market design will help integrating larger shares of renewables.

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Europe in the Global Race for Electrical batteries

Date de publication
10 July 2017

This study weighs up the different strategic approaches that Europe may adopt in the industrial race for electrical batteries, taking into account the demand potential for e-mobility and stationary storage, the global competitive landscape and the policy support for local players in Asia and the U.S.

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The Landscape of Renewable Energy Sources in Europe in 2030

Date de publication
28 June 2017

The study analyses the European rules designed to promote renewable energy, highlighting their innovations and the difficulties they will raise. The study highlights the consequences of some of the measures envisaged and pays particular attention to the electricity market.

Democratic Deconstructions

Date de publication
10 March 2017

Today’s democratic governments appear less legitimate and their longevity less assured than ever.

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EU Leaders Meet in Versailles to Hash Out Bloc’s Future

06 March 2017

Four top European leaders hold talks Monday on the future of the European Union, at a time when it faces multiple crises that are sparking doubts about its very existence. Hosted by French President Francois Hollande at the iconic Versailles palace outside Paris, the dinner meeting that brings together German, Italian and Spanish leaders comes amid heated discussion about how to move forward the deeply troubled European Union in the face of Brexit, rising nationalism and an EU-skeptic Trump administration in Washington.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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