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<p class="rtejustify">The <strong>Domestic Politics – Elections</strong>&nbsp;research axis within the <a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/allemagne-cerfa"><strong>Committee on Franco-German Relations at Ifri</strong></a> provides an analysis of the German domestic politics, its dynamics, the evolution of the party systems, and the electoral geography of the German Federal Republic. It tackles the relations between the political sphere and society and economic structures. A particular attention is payed to the electoral process in the different “<em>Länder</em>” because of the specificities of the German federal system. The recent political evolutions, with the emergence of new forms of coalitions in the different “<em>Länder</em>” and at the federal level, as well as the persistent differences in the political behaviors between East and West Germany, 30 years after the reunification, will influence political evolutions at the federal level (“<em>Bund</em>”).</p>

<p class="rtejustify">The Cerfa at Ifri analyzes these topics along numerous “<a href=";field_contenugen_fc_aut… du Cerfa</strong></a>” and public events which will help understand electoral campaigns, but also the overarching consequences of the election results on the Franco German cooperation at the regional and national level and on the role, Germany embodies on the European and international stage.</p>