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<p class="rtejustify">Asia is now a nerve center for global economic activity and a theatre of some of the most critical political and security developments of our time. The Center for Asian Studies provides documented expertise and a platform of discussion on Asian issues that seeks to accompany decision makers and explain and contextualize developments in the region for the sake of a larger public dialogue.</p>

<p class="rtejustify"><strong>Ifri's Center for Asian Studies</strong>’ research is organized along three major axes: regionalism and intra-regional relationships in Asia; relations between Asia’s major powers (China, Japan, India) and the rest of the world; and internal political, economic and social dynamics of Asian countries. This research focuses primarily on <strong><a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/chine">China</a></strong>, <a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/inde-asie-sud"><strong>India </strong></a>and <a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/japon"><strong>Japan</strong></a>, but also increasingly covers the <a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/peninsule-coreenne"><strong>Korean peninsula</strong></a>,&nbsp;<a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/asie-sud"><strong>Southeast Asia</strong></a>, the <a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/oceanie"><strong>Pacific Islands</strong></a> and the <a href="/en/recherche/zones-geographiques/asie/strategies-indopacifiques"><strong>Indo-Pacific Strategies</strong></a>.</p>

<p class="rtejustify">The Center organizes closed-door roundtables, expert-level seminars and a number of public events, including an Annual Conference, that welcome experts from Asia, Europe and the United States. The Center’s researchers regularly participate in international conferences, particularly in Asia. Their work, as well as that of their partners, is regularly published in <strong><a href=";field_contenugen_fc_aut… Center’s electronic journal Asie.Visions</a></strong>.</p>