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<p class="rtejustify">Since 2015, the French asylum and immigration landscapes have been through major changes subsequent to the global mixed migration flows, European immigration and asylum policies, and increased citizen mobilization in the aftermath of the so-called "refugee crisis". In order to analyze theses changes, Ifri created the <strong>Observatory on Immigration and Asylum whithin <a href="… Center for Migration and Citizenship</a>&nbsp;</strong>in 2018.</p>

<p class="rtejustify">The Observatory on Immigration and Asylum is a forum of dialogue and cooperation between state and non-state actors in the fields of reception and integration of migrants and refugees. The Observatory offers a place for exchange, expertise, a laboratory for innovation and building new solutions to address the needs of migrants and refugees. The Observatory’s objective is to initiate synergies of skills and resources notwithstanding each actor policy position and scope of action.&nbsp;</p>

<p class="rtejustify">The Observatory brings together migrants, refugees, advocacy NGOs, not-for-profit service providers, groups of volunteers, and not-for-profit “start-ups”. The Observatory supports the promotion and development of initiatives to achieve greater efficiency and sustainability. Relevant ministries, local authorities, corporate and philanthropic foundations are also involved in the Observatory’s activities.</p>

<p class="rtejustify">This place of dialogue and expertise offers:</p>

<li class="rtejustify"><strong>Studies and reports</strong> on the challenges in the fields of reception and integration of migrants and refugees,</li>
<li class="rtejustify"><strong>Roundtables and meetings</strong> bringing together authorities, NGOs and the private sector to enhance the complementary of activities and capacity building of stakeholders,</li>
<li class="rtejustify"><strong>Support for the cooperation of actors and innovation</strong> to address the needs of migrants and refugees,</li>
<li class="rtejustify"><strong>Public conferences</strong> to raise knowledge and awareness on topics related to immigration and asylum,</li>
<li class="rtejustify"><strong>Comparative research papers</strong> on immigration policies in Europe and Northern America,</li>

<p class="rtejustify">Moreover, the Observatory organises working meetings on specific topics, such as the <a href="/en/private-sponsorship-refugees"><strong>private sponsorship of refugees</strong></a>. It coordinates a <strong>network of corporate foundations</strong> that come together to support innovation in the fields of reception and integration. The Observatory’s team members can also make contributions to NGOs and higher education institutions. The Observatory on immigration and asylum also works in&nbsp;<strong><a href="/en/node/17344/">partnership with Guiti News</a></strong>, an online media offering a Franco-Refugee perspective on immigration and asylum issues.</p>

<p><strong>Read the press release of October 20, 2021:</strong>&nbsp;<strong><a href="…; target="_blank">The French Foundations Committee for the Reception and Integration of Refugees and Migrants is launching a pilot language-teaching project in Corrèze (Central France)</a></strong></p>