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Intitulé du poste

Former Associate Research Fellow, Asia/Indo-Pacific Center, Ifri

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Research Interests:

  • Political and geostrategic issues in Southeast Asia
  • Regional construction of ASEAN
  • China / Southeast Asia (ASEAN) relations and their global implications
Biographie En

Sophie Boisseau du Rocher is a senior researcher specializing in Southeast Asian politics, geostrategic affairs and regional integration. She is the author of numerous books and articles, including Le Cambodge, la survie d’un peuple (Belin, Paris, 2011), L’Asie du Sud-Est prise au piège (Perrin, Paris, 2009) and L’ASEAN et la construction régionale en Asie du Sud-Est (L’Harmattan, Paris, 1997). She also edited the Annuaire de l’Asie orientale (Yearbook on East Asia) for the Documentation française (2006 – 2012).

Dr. Boisseau du Rocher holds a PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po, Paris (1996) and has previously taught at Sciences Po Paris, Sciences Po Le Havre (Asia campus), the Institut des hautes Etudes de la Défense nationale (IHEDN), and the Collège Inter-Armé de défense. She managed  the Observatory on Southeast Asia for the Directorate of Strategic Affairs of the French Ministry of Defense from 2008-2011. She is also a research associate of the GRIP (Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security) in Brussels.

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