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Russia's government pins hopes on universities not academy

22 July 2010

The latest international research report from Thomson Reuters says one thing about Russia: the country’s share in global scientific activities—publications or patents—is small and declining.

Russia's Academy of Sciences' Reform: Causes and Consequences for Russian Science

Date de publication
01 May 2014

This paper analyzes the origins and causes of the radical reforms undertaken in Russia’s academic sciences sector, which resulted in the fusion of three state academies in 2013.

"Green Economy": Opportunities and Constraints for Russian Companies

Date de publication
01 August 2014

The article explores the importance of a transition to a “green economy” for Russia, as well as the potential opportunities and constraints for its national businesses. 

The Influence of the State on Expanding Russian MNEs: Advantage or Handicap?

Date de publication
19 December 2013

Government influence is crucial for the international operations of firms in emerging economies. However, these firms have varied experience of government interventions: some benefit more, some less, while the government roles vary among countries and industries.

Gas Exports in Turkmenistan

Date de publication
13 November 2011

The Caspian region has been at the center of attention since Europe began seeking alternative routes to natural-gas resources. Turkmenistan has the potential to become an important gas exporter to Europe.

Russia: Youth and Politics

Date de publication
04 April 2014

Young people are the most politically active and impulsive part of any society.

Wrong Road to Harvard

Date de publication
28 November 2011

Decoding Russia's WTO Accession

Date de publication
02 February 2012

As Moscow and the WTO Member States have finally established terms on which Russia will accede to the organization, thoughts turn to the impact of this historic event and the potential for it to play a role in the modernization of the country’s economy. The process has been long, with Russia having to negotiate bilateral accession protocols with the more than fifty WTO member states. 

Ukraine at the Crossroads: Between the EU DCFTA and Customs Union

Date de publication
25 April 2012

After serious decline in the 1990s, Ukraine's economy finally started its recovery and systemic reform in early 2000. While the economy rapidly grew by 2008, its transformation remained unfinished. Ukraine has three possible roads to development. 

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
Page image credits
Ramses Conference