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German Foreign Policy


Faced with a fragmentation of the established order and an increasing number of crises, Germany is tending to reassess its position in a changing world.

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A World of Law? / France and Germany: What's Behind the Mask

Date de publication
10 December 2019

What is the role of law in international relations today that increasingly seem to favour assertions of power?


Brexit pressures expose cracks in Franco-German relationship

11 April 2019

Angela Merkel insists that the EU should avoid “putting pressure” on Britain when it comes to Brexit. After a wearying, six-hour EU summit in Brussels, the German chancellor said it was important to give the British “more space” to “make their own choices”. [...]

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Tackling the Root Causes of Displacement: the German Discourse

Date de publication
11 March 2019

In Germany, an important role is ascribed to development policy when considering the question of how to deal with the causes of displacement and irregular migration. Development policy seeks to enable (potential) migrants to enjoy brighter prospects in their countries of origin through job creation measures so that they do not embark on the dangerous journey to Europe (or Germany) in the first place.

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The Franco-German Tandem: Bridging the Gap on Nuclear Issues

Date de publication
28 January 2019

The Franco-German couple has long been charac­terized by divergent trajectories on nuclear matters, and antagonist historical decisions still frame the current relationship.

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Merkel and Macron betray weakness with cautious Aachen treaty

21 January 2019

When Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron sign a new Franco-German treaty in the historic city of Aachen on Tuesday, there will be much soaring rhetoric about the deepening ties between the two countries. To critics, though, the Treaty of Aachen is thin gruel. Anyone hoping for a new, tighter alliance between France and Germany, and for signs that the two countries might once again drive European integration, will be disappointed. 

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The Treaty of Aachen. New Impetus for Franco-German Defense Cooperation?

Date de publication
22 January 2019

On 22 January 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel sign the Treaty of Aachen on “Franco-German Cooperation and Integration.” The document is set to complement the original Elysée Treaty from 1963, signed by President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. 

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From Meseberg to Nowhere? A Franco-German Impetus for the Eurozone

Date de publication
30 November 2018

This study analyses the joint efforts by France and Germany to bring about a comprehensive reform of the European currency union. These efforts culminated in the joint Meseberg Declaration adopted in June 2018. The article contextualises these efforts with respect to the reforms realised so far and the different reform options at hand. Besides questions of economic viability and institutional deficits, the article tackles issues of political feasibility.

The Wider Context: Germany's Baltic Engagement, the ‘Munich Consensus’ and the Future of European Security

Date de publication
16 October 2018
Due to its size and economic and political weight in Europe, Germany is an important actor in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). Berlin has chosen to play an active role: the Bundeswehr’s presence in Lithuania as part of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP), but also proposals pertaining to Baltic Sea Cooperation within the Council of the Baltic Sea States, of which Germany is a founding member, are examples of German engagement in the region. Beyond the regional dimension, however, Germany’s engagement in the BSR needs to be seen in the wider context of German foreign, security and defence policy.
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The Three Dimensions of Europe's Defense Debate

Date de publication
21 June 2018

In light of transatlantic tensions and a deteriorated security environment, European security affairs are at the crossroads. 

Mind the Gap: How France and Germany Can Spearhead Joint Foreign Policy Initiatives Now

Date de publication
20 April 2018

In light of the current instability on Europe’s borders and uncertainties about the international role of the US under the administration of President Donald Trump, it is high time for Franco-German foreign policy initiatives. With the formation of a new German government, a window of opportunity opens for new joint action by the two countries at the core of the EU. At the same time, differences between France and Germany, both on policy issues and in terms of their strategic cultures, could impede any such cooperation. 

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The Pariser Platz (Paris Square) on the east side of the Brandenburg Gate at Berlin, Germany
The Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa)
Accroche centre

The Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) was created in 1954 by an inter-governmental agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and France, in order to raise awareness of Germany in France and analyze Franco-German relations, including in their European and international dimensions. In its conferences and seminars, which bring together experts, political leaders, senior decision-makers and representatives of civil society from both countries, Cerfa develops the Franco-German debate and stimulates political proposals. It regularly publishes studies through two collections: Cerfa notes and studies as well as Franco-German visions.


Cerfa maintains close relations with the network of German foundations and think tanks. In addition to its research and debate activities, Cerfa promotes the emergence of a new Franco-German generation through original cooperation programs. This is how in 2021-2022, Cerfa led a program on multilateralism with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Paris. This program is aimed at young professionals from both countries interested in the issues of multilateralism in the context of their activities. It covered a wide range of themes relating to multilateralism, such as international trade, health, human rights and migration, non-proliferation and disarmament. Previously, Cerfa had participated in the Franco-German future dialogue, co-led with the DGAP from 2007 to 2020, and supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Daniel Vernet group (formerly the Franco-German Reflection Group) which was founded in 2014 upon the initiative of the Genshagen Foundation.