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“Development for All”: The Tarnished Slogan of Modi’s India

Date de publication
06 June 2018

Narendra Modi’s BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) has held an unprecedented majority since the 2014 elections.

The European Union's Struggle Against Terrorism

Date de publication
06 June 2018

Since 2015, several countries in the European Union have been hit by attacks.

Rival public diplomacies in the Ukrainian crisis : RT and Ukraine Today

Date de publication
01 June 2018

The Ukrainian crisis has brought to light the key role played by new international networks as instruments of public diplomacy in time of war. Focusing on RT and Ukraine Today in the asymmetrical conflict between Russia and Ukraine, this article analyzes the operation and strategies of diffusion of these two media, and inquires into their antagonistic narratives and political rationales. This case study focuses on this conflict’s two dimensions of storytelling and news that several actors and observers have described as a “war of information”.

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Coal Exit or Coal Expansion? A Review of Coal Market Trends and Policies in 2017

Date de publication
31 May 2018

Coal in the power sector is the principal focus of climate-related policies due to its high carbon intensity, making CO2 emissions from coal a leading contributor to climate change. 

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Five theses on the "refugee crisis" in Germany

Date de publication
31 May 2018

The term "refugee crisis" is not uncontroversial in Germany; it is indeed accused of presenting the refugees as being responsible for the crisis. The events that have occurred since the summer of 2015 should rather be called "crisis of the authorities", given that Germany could have anticipated the massive increase in the number of refugees. The use of the term "refugee crisis" in this article is axiologically neutral and reflects its present common use in politics, the media and specialised literature.

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Trade Wars: A French Perspective

Date de publication
31 May 2018

The Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum announced by the United States in March would, if applied, have little direct impact on the French economy, but rather point toward a broader trend of protectionism and economic nationalism and a widening gap in transatlantic relations that is likely to have far-reaching implications for France.

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Catching Up or Staying Ahead. Japanese Investment in the Mekong Region and the China Factor

Date de publication
30 May 2018

There is no denying that the Mekong region has become an economic battleground where Japan and China are competing to gain and sustain economic influence in the region.

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China in the Mediterranean: An Emerging Presence

Date de publication
23 May 2018

The Chinese presence in the Mediterranean is raising new questions among the diplomatic services of the Maghreb countries, as well as those of southern Europe. Indeed, over the past five years, China has been translating its national priorities with increasing activism in the Mediterranean. 

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