3216 publications
Fiscal Competition Among European Union Countries. Fiscal Policies are Facing Mobility
Towards Lifting the Arms Embargo on the Popular Republic of China by the European Union?
New dynamics in World Finance. A Rebalancing by Emerging Countries?
France/NATO: the Last Step
'Will and must France reintegrate (the) NATO ? The change of situation in fifteen years must be taken into account to answer this question – which, besides, needs to be put another way.
Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Bellwether of Russia's Investment Climate?
The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), a shipper-owned oil pipeline carrying Caspian oil to Russia's Black Sea port of Novorossyisk, remains to this day the only oil export pipeline on Russian territory that is not under the control of the state company Transneft. Completed in 2001, the CPC was, from the start, the product of a fragile balance of power between states eager to maintain control of hydrocarbon flows and private companies able to finance the necessary infrastructure. Despite its economic success, the future of the CPC currently hinges on a shareholding dispute pitting Russia against Western private shareholders. This essay places the CPC dossier in the broader context of Russia's investment climate and argues that the dispute's dynamic is an important bellwether of the Russian energy policy.
China and the Olympic Games Challenge
The Olympic Games are meant to embody the climax of the peaceful emergence that the People's Republic of China has undertaken for nearly thirty years.