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United States: What Does the World Expect of the "Indispensable Nation"?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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When a new US president arrives in the White House on January 20, 2009, the entire world hopes to turn a new page. The Bush era has generated serious divisions within the Atlantic Alliance, massively increased the volatility of the greater Middle East, spawned new and dangerous fissures in Central and South Asia, fostered a mood of uncertainty and growing unease in North Asia, offered a global rallying cry for Islamic jihadists, undermined the legitimacy of the United Nations, and fueled an unprecedented level of anti-Americanism across the globe.Jolyon Howorth, Professor at Yale University and Jean Monnet Professor of European politics at the University of Bath (UK), is Senior Research Associate at the Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri, Paris).


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United States: What Does the World Expect of the "Indispensable Nation"?


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United States: What Does the World Expect of the "Indispensable Nation"?