3224 publications
Winning in Libya: By Design or Default?
The 2011 insurgency in Libya brought about the demise of Supreme Leader Mouammar Qadhafi. A NATO-led coalition operated to meet a unique United Nations mandate including an arms embargo, no-fly zone, and the requirement to protect the population from armed attack.
A City Upon a Crumbling Hill?
Interrogations on a possible decline of U.S. leadership are a regular occurrence in the country.
Deja Vu with BMD: The Improbability of Russia-NATO Missile Defense
Consistent attempts by the US and NATO to cooperate on ballistic missile defenses have long divided Russia and the West. The failed talks on this issue have built a foundation of frustration that has reinforced the general lack of trust among the parties on this issue.
France, Germany and European defence: more pragmatism and less pathos, please
At the time of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Elysée treaty in January 2013, the Franco-German defence cooperation is not at its best.
Japan and the South China Sea: Forging Strategic Partnerships in a Divided Region
In the midst of growing tensions with China, Japan is deepening its strategic engagement in Southeast Asia. Preserving stability in the South China Sea, which is threatened by renewed frictions around contested territories, is a vital interest for sea lane-dependent Japan. Moreover, Tokyo considers Southeast Asian countries as crucial partners in balancing against an increasingly powerful and more assertive China.
The Future of the American Leadership: Between Renewal and Delegation
In an effort to preserve its global leadership, the United States has engaged in a “double rebalancing”; a geopolitical rebalancing, as illustrated by the “pivot to Asia,” and a rebalancing of means, with the Obama administration increasingly advancing diplomatic and economic negotiations (economic statecraft), emphasizing the indirect uses of military force and opening up reinforced dialogue with new actors.
The Future of U.S. Leadership
The French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) and The German Marshall Fund of the United States - France (GMF) have partnered to launch a joint research program on the transformations of U.S. leadership by the year 2020.