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On the Strategic Value of Ballistic Missile Defense

Date de publication
10 June 2014

The strategic value of missile defense remains in considerable debate in Europe but less so in the United States.

Gas in Mozambique: a High-risk Economic Revolution

Date de publication
02 June 2014

Since oil was discovered in Uganda in 2006, East Africa has been an arena for a race in the exploration for hydro-carbons. Yet the oil reserves in Uganda, the more recent and modest ones in Kenya and the few pockets of gas in Ethiopia are on a completely different scale from the enormous gas resources discovered since 2010 in the off-shore waters of Mozambique and Tanzania.

The Distinctive Features of China's Middle Classes

Date de publication
01 June 2014

This study seeks to lay the foundations for a better understanding of the Chinese middle classes. It goes beyond the traditional classification by revenue and identifies the distinctive features of China’s middle classes by taking into account relevant historical events, current sociopolitical and economic contexts, and key expectations of the population.

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German Defence Policy in 2014 and beyond: Options for Change

Date de publication
01 June 2014

The speeches made by several German leaders at the Munich Security Conference in early 2014, emphasized that Germany needs to be ready for greater international commitment, and without a priori excluding military instruments. 

The Crisis in Ukraine: An Insider's View

Date de publication
01 June 2014

By the end of 2013 the numerous miscalculations of the Yanukovych regime had deepened the systemic crisis in Ukraine, the crux of which was the tension between the people's hopes of independence and the inefficiency of the country's post-Soviet political and social system.

Les chausse-trapes de la remontée en puissance : Défis et écueils du redressement militaire

Date de publication
30 May 2014

A process of military resurgence shows a government’s will to strengthen its defense apparatus, either to face new strategic challenges or, more frequently, to reverse decline of its capabilities.

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Do Companies Get a Say in French Migration Policy Making?

Date de publication
05 May 2014

This paper investigates the role given to economic actors in the definition of migration policies in France. In the early 2000s, Nicolas Sarkozy advocated for a policy of “chosen immigration” (“immigration choisie”) whose objective, amongst others, was to attract migrants with skills and expertise needed by the French economy. This policy catered directly to the needs of the business sector, and yet, companies participated only marginally to public debates, and their opinion on the issue is little known.

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