3244 publications
Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe: the Endgame?
The descent into the morass of failure seems relentless for a country that used to be, at the aftermath of its independence in 1980, the “jewel in Africa” to be carefully preserved, as former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere advised an acclaimed Mugabe ascending into power.
The Russian Informational and Digital Influence Strategy in Europe
The article discusses Russia’s informational and digital strategy towards Europe. It focuses on its content, instruments, infrastructures and techniques.
Europe and China's New Silk Roads
As China elaborates on the design of its "Belt and Road Initiative" (OBOR), the place of Europe within this project is slowly but surely taking shape.
Europe and Refugees in 2015: A Crisis of Memory?
Contrary to other immigration societies such as the United States, Canada or Australia, migrations is not a core element of European narratives on shared identity. Each country maintains a very particular understanding of his migratory past and on the extent to which it should become part of the national narrative. The question of a European memory of migration therefore struggles to emerge.
France: Reducing Nuclear Dominance and Promoting a Low Carbon Energy System
This chapter covering the French energy transition model is part of a broader study conducted by the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), in preparation of the German Presidency of the G20. Based on the analysis of fourteen national strategies, the IASS study considers the potential of the G20 to shape a global transition to sustainable energy, urgently needed in order to achieve the United Nations' climate and sustainability goals.
The Kashmir Uprising and India-Pakistan Relations: A need for conflict resolution, not management
This paper analyses the causes and consequences of the 2016 uprising in Kashmir, making six interrelated arguments.
European Security – Challenges at the Societal Level
Relations between Russia and the West have deteriorated dramatically in recent years. The institutional foundations of cooperative security in Europe and the rules and principles they represent are rapidly disappearing.
The Energy Transition in a Scenario of Sustained Low Fossil Fuel Prices
This HET report assesses the impact of sustained low fossil fuel prices on the transition to a low carbon energy system.