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The US-China Trade War: What Is the Outcome after the Trump Presidency?

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Potomac Papers
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One of Donald Trump’s campaign promises in 2016 was to end China’s “cheating” on trade and to reduce America's trade deficit by imposing significant tariffs on U.S. imports of Chinese products. This study draws up a first assessment of his policy - and of the "trade war" which stemmed from it.

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Guerre commerciale entre les US et la Chine
Guerre commerciale entre les US et la Chine
Akarat Phasura/Shutterstock
Corps analyses

The practices denounced by Trump – currency manipulation, forced transfers of technology, intellectual property violations, market access restrictions – are directly in line with the criticisms voiced by Americans (and Europeans) these past twenty years. The “trade war”, which culminated in 2018 and 2019, is therefore less a paradigm shift than a change in method. By unilaterally imposing massive tariffs, this administration has departed from the traditional American approach favoring multilateral mechanisms and limited use of targeted tariffs.

How does this trade war play into the technological and strategic competition opposing China and the United States? What are the consequences of the 2018-2019 tariffs escalation on the U.S.’s and China’s economies? How will it impact the multilateral trading order? Following the “Phase One” deal signed in January 2020, what future prospects for the China-U.S. relation?


This content is available in French : La guerre commerciale sino-américaine : Quel bilan à l'issue de la présidence Trump ?


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The US-China Trade War: What Is the Outcome after the Trump Presidency?

Laurence NARDON

Laurence NARDON

Intitulé du poste

Research Fellow, Head of the Americas Program, Ifri

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Illustration Programme Amériques
Americas Program
Accroche centre

Ifri's work on the Americas region focuses mainly on the United States. Indeed, for more than 20 years, Ifri's Americas Program has provided keys to understanding American society and domestic policy while shedding light on developments in the country's foreign policy, including transatlantic relations and trade issues. 


Since 2023, a specific axis on Latin America structures more actively Ifri's research on this region.


Ifri's Canada program was active in 2015 and 2016.

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Kamala Harris's Economic Program

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Laurence NARDON Abigail LABRECK
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IRA: Towards Clean Hydrogen Leadership in the U.S.

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Convince and Coerce: U.S. Interference in Technology Exchanges Between its Allies and China

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22 February 2022

The tough-on-China policy adopted by the Trump and Biden administrations has – and will increasingly have – important consequences for Washington’s allies, both on their infrastructure choices (5G, submarine cables...) and on their technological exchanges with China. 

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AUKUS Rocks the Boat in the Indo-Pacific, And It’s Not Good News

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29 September 2021

For anyone who still harbored doubts, Washington made crystal clear from the announcement of the new trilateral alliance with Australia and the UK (AUKUS) that countering China is its number one priority, and that it will do whatever it takes to succeed. Much has been said about the consequences of AUKUS on the French-US relations, but the strategic implications for the Indo-Pacific nations (including France), and for China especially, are also critical to consider.

Page image credits
Guerre commerciale entre les US et la Chine
Akarat Phasura/Shutterstock
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The US-China Trade War: What Is the Outcome after the Trump Presidency?, from Ifri by
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The US-China Trade War: What Is the Outcome after the Trump Presidency?