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Israel's Immigrant Parties: An Inefficient Russia Lobby

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Les partis politiques russophones en Israël : quelle capacité de lobbying ?

Since 2009 the influence of immigrant party Israel Beiteinu on foreign and security policy in Israel has grown. The party won 15 seats in the 2009 parliamentary elections and its leader, Avigdor Lieberman, became the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Corps analyses

. Politicians with Russian origins have a certain impact on the security and foreign policy agenda but their influence is limited and their immigrant origin constitutes an obstacle. They are more successful in pressing forward domestic policies related to their constituency than pushing Russia as a priority for Israeli diplomacy. The Kremlin partially supports the initiatives of Israeli immigrant politicians, but Moscow realizes the limits of their influence. The foreign policy of Israel is only marginally shaped by Lieberman and immigrant politicians and remains highly dependent on the agenda advanced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under the influence of the US.


Dr. Olena Bagno is a Neubauer Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel-Aviv, and a prospective postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University (2011). She writes on Russian foreign policy in the Middle East, and on issues related to international migration and political integration of minorities.

Ambassador Zvi Magen is a Research Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel-Aviv, where he writes on Russia's foreign policy in the Middle East. Prior to joining INSS, he served in Israel's Foreign Service, notably as Israel's Ambassador to Ukraine and to Russia.

Russie.Nei.Visions is an electronic collection of policy papers published in French, English and Russian by the Russia/NIS Center, Ifri.



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Israel's Immigrant Parties: An Inefficient Russia Lobby

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Russie, Eurasie, Carte
Russia/Eurasia Center
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Founded in 2005 within Ifri, the Russia/Eurasia Center conducts research and organizes debates on Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus. Its goal is to understand and anticipate the evolution of this complex and rapidly changing geographical area in order to enrich public discourse in France and Europe and to assist in strategic, political, and economic decision-making.

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Les partis politiques russophones en Israël : quelle capacité de lobbying ?
Israel's Immigrant Parties: An Inefficient Russia Lobby, from Ifri by
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Les partis politiques russophones en Israël : quelle capacité de lobbying ?

Israel's Immigrant Parties: An Inefficient Russia Lobby