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Find out more about our donor programsAs part of the Center for Energy at Ifri, a seminar with Matthias Dürr, Head of Brussels Office, RWE AG, Maïté Jauréguy-Naudin, Director of the Center for Energy, Ifri, Luc Van Nuffel, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Department Strategy & Sustainable Development, Electrabel GDF SUEZ.
Chaired by Wiliam C. Ramsay, Senior Adviser of the Center for Energy and Jacques Lesourne, Chairman of the Scientific of the Center for Energy at Ifri.
In the aftermath of Fukushima, Germany decided to phase out nuclear power plants. The last reactor will stop functioning in 2022. Following the German decision, which would give credibility to such a scenario, several countries are questioning their energy mixes and the role of nuclear. However, the path to a nuclear-free future is not easy in Germany and elsewhere. Some lessons can already be drawn from the initial shutting of seven German nuclear power plants, especially in a context where the expected increase in RES is threatening the competitiveness of gas-fired power plants and delays necessary investments, and where the financial burden on final consumers and on budget finances make the investment framework blurry. Will the needed high tension lines be built in time to transport electricity from North Germany to the South? How are the neighboring countries coping with the change of electricity flows? Is there still a European energy policy? How can its main inconsistencies be remedied? The speakers will attempt to answer some of these questions. Their presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
Other events
Lunch debate with Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand
Discussion co-chaired by Thierry de Montbrial, Executive Chairman of Ifri, member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and Marc Hecker, Deputy Director of Ifri (in English without translation).
North Korea Beyond Nukes: Focusing on the Human Rights Challenge
Debates surrounding North Korea are primarily focused on security issues, particularly nuclear and ballistic concerns, relegating the critical situation of the North Korean population and human rights violations to the background. The lack of information about the real living conditions of North Koreans contributes to the absence of attention and discussion on this crucial issue.
Shaping Europe’s Technological Sovereignty
In the wake of Donald Trump's re-election in the United States, Europeans face a crucial imperative: rethinking their sovereigny, especially in the technological realm. What will be the strategic priorities and action levers of the new European Commission on this issue? What assessment can we make of the previous Commission’s achievements and challenges in navigating Sino-American technological competition, transatlantic dependencies, and emerging global partnerships?