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Myanmar: How worse can it get? (Video replay)

Media coverage |


Video recording of the conference organized by Ifri's Center for Asian Studies on June 29, 2021.

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Close to five months after the February 1 coup that ended Myanmar's democratic experiment and brought the military back to power, the situation in the country remains volatile with an expanding civil war, while international action remains ineffective given divisions between the West and China, and ASEAN's flaws.

As the political and humanitarian crises deepen, how are Myanmar companies, civil society organizations and media reacting? What are the options for the international community and investors? What lies ahead and can it get worse?  


Sophie Boisseau du Rocher, Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri
Romain Caillaud, Principal, SIPA Partners, Tokyo
David Camroux, Honorary Senior Research Fellow & Adjunct Professor, Sciences Po
Thin Lei Win, freelance Burmese journalist, Rome
Nyantha Maw Lin, consultant on government, public policy, and political risk 

Chair: Françoise Nicolas, Director, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri

