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Southern Europe

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What Role Should Southern Europe Play After the Pandemic and the War in Ukraine? Towards a Shared Agenda for EU Reform

Date de publication
29 April 2022

Relations between southern European member states have often been marked by a loose cooperation or, worse, by logics of competition. Precisely when regional groupings within the European Union are increasingly shaping the agenda, these dynamics have hindered the capacity of France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain to pursue shared interests and objectives, while acting as a force for good for the European integration project. Recent events such as the post-pandemic recovery or the war in Ukraine show that, when cooperation occurs, positive results can be achieved.

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The French-Greek Partnership: Beyond the Eastern Mediterranean

Date de publication
23 February 2022

The bilateral defense agreement signed by France and Greece in September 2021 confirms the strategic turn of the relationship between the two countries. It was already unveiled in 2020 when Paris supported Athens to counter Turkish maritime operations that France and Greece considered very hostile.

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The European Neighbourhood Policy: A Bureaucratic Phoenix?

Date de publication
18 November 2016

Facing turmoil on its eastern and southern borders, the European Union has sought some answers by revising its European Neighbourhood Policy and releasing a reviewed Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy. Beyond these documents, what is the real impact of the EU in its neighbourhood?


Crisis and Decline in Southern Europe: Implications for Turkey

Date de publication
15 July 2013

The twists and turns of the economic and political crisis in southern Europe are now an important parameter for relations between Europe and Turkey.

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What Role Should Southern Europe Play After the Pandemic and the War in Ukraine? Towards a Shared Agenda for EU Reform

Date de publication
29 April 2022

Relations between southern European member states have often been marked by a loose cooperation or, worse, by logics of competition. Precisely when regional groupings within the European Union are increasingly shaping the agenda, these dynamics have hindered the capacity of France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain to pursue shared interests and objectives, while acting as a force for good for the European integration project. Recent events such as the post-pandemic recovery or the war in Ukraine show that, when cooperation occurs, positive results can be achieved.

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Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference