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The Prospects of Indonesia’s Nickel Boom Amidst a Systemic Challenge from Coal

Date de publication
02 May 2024

Indonesia is a country that is booming economically and demographically. This not only matters for regional, political, and energy security, but also increasingly, for the world’s energy transitions, due to Indonesia’s large metal reserves, as well as its equally important coal consumption in industry and for power generation.

Over the last 20 years, Indonesia’s economy has been characterized by very dynamic growth, massive increases in its electricity demand, and coal consumption and exports. Hence, its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are on a steady growth trajectory, although the country has committed to lowering them by 32% (unconditional) or 41% (conditional) by 2030.

With its Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) membership application, occurring in the context of global energy transition requirements and geopolitical confrontations, Indonesia is today at a crossroads.

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Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Elections: Campaigning for Continuity

Date de publication
07 February 2024

Indonesia is gearing up for its next general election on February 14, with a potential runoff scheduled in late June. This major electoral process will determine the nation’s next president and vice-president since incumbent President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, will step down after ten years in office in compliance with the constitutional limit of two terms.

The War in Ukraine and Rising Global Tensions: A Southeast Asian Perspective (Replay)

20 March 2023

A debate with Simon Tay, Chairman of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore, and Singapore’s Ambassador to Greece.


French "State Action at Sea" as a Model for SE Asian Coast Guards

16 March 2022

South-East Asian countries like Philippines and Indonesia have to cope with an increasing number of maritime issues in order to exert their sovereign rights over their territorial waters, archipelagic waters and exclusive economic zones (EEZ). In the midst of a tense geostrategic environment, the security of maritime areas and, more broadly, security in the high seas, are subject to major threats and illegal activities as recently summarized in the last Information Fusion Centre (IFC) annual report: piracy and sea robbery, maritime terrorism, cyber-attacks and AIS spoofing, trafficking of all kinds, illegal fishing activities and maritime pollution.

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Asia after the War in Ukraine: Re-imagining multilateralism and the risk of high-intensity conflict (video replay)

22 September 2022

Annual conference of Ifri's Center for Asian Studies. The war in Ukraine has marked the return of high-intensity conflict in Europe and represents a profound, structural shift in the region’s strategic environment. It also takes place against a backdrop of a decades-long rebalancing of global power and the increase of strategic competition between the United States and China, in particular.

China's Rising Trade Activism in ASEAN: Implications for the EU

Date de publication
07 December 2021

As the world’s center of gravity has shifted to Asia, the European Union must also be present in the region. In particular, it must develop its relations with Asian countries that have long been neglected to the sole benefit of China -- namely India, but above all the countries of Southeast Asia, where China has invested heavily and will continue to gain influence.

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AUKUS Rocks the Boat in the Indo-Pacific, And It’s Not Good News

Date de publication
29 September 2021

For anyone who still harbored doubts, Washington made crystal clear from the announcement of the new trilateral alliance with Australia and the UK (AUKUS) that countering China is its number one priority, and that it will do whatever it takes to succeed. Much has been said about the consequences of AUKUS on the French-US relations, but the strategic implications for the Indo-Pacific nations (including France), and for China especially, are also critical to consider.

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China and South-East Asia: Has the Die Been Cast?

Date de publication
07 June 2021

China is exerting pressure on its surrounding area in South-East Asia to implement its concept of a “community with a shared destiny”. 

East Asia Confronted with China

Date de publication
07 June 2021

China is now an undeniable heavyweight on the international scene, wielding a remarkable range of political strategies. Studying its position in the surrounding area of Southeast Asia in relation to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, as well as Australia, gives us an understanding of both the strength and the limits of such a diverse range of actions.

Daily Mail Online.png

Back to 'basket case'? Myanmar economy at risk after coup

04 February 2021

Foreign investors flocked to Myanmar as it began its democratic transition a decade ago, but this week's military coup is likely to accelerate a trend of Western withdrawal -- and China's expansion.

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Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Elections: Campaigning for Continuity

Date de publication
07 February 2024

Indonesia is gearing up for its next general election on February 14, with a potential runoff scheduled in late June. This major electoral process will determine the nation’s next president and vice-president since incumbent President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, will step down after ten years in office in compliance with the constitutional limit of two terms.

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AUKUS Rocks the Boat in the Indo-Pacific, And It’s Not Good News

Date de publication
29 September 2021

For anyone who still harbored doubts, Washington made crystal clear from the announcement of the new trilateral alliance with Australia and the UK (AUKUS) that countering China is its number one priority, and that it will do whatever it takes to succeed. Much has been said about the consequences of AUKUS on the French-US relations, but the strategic implications for the Indo-Pacific nations (including France), and for China especially, are also critical to consider.

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China and South-East Asia: Has the Die Been Cast?

Date de publication
07 June 2021

China is exerting pressure on its surrounding area in South-East Asia to implement its concept of a “community with a shared destiny”. 

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The ‘Conservative Turn’ in Indonesian Islam: Implications for the 2019 Presidential Elections

Date de publication
19 March 2019

Despite Indonesia’s reputation for a traditionally moderate brand of Islam, religious conservativism is gaining considerable political traction in the lead up to this April’s presidential election.

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Catching Up or Staying Ahead. Japanese Investment in the Mekong Region and the China Factor

Date de publication
30 May 2018

There is no denying that the Mekong region has become an economic battleground where Japan and China are competing to gain and sustain economic influence in the region.

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Scientific Cooperation in the South China Sea: A vector for China's security diplomacy in Southeast Asia?

Date de publication
29 February 2016

In the South China Sea, the field of marine science could be seen as a catalyst for functional cooperation in the region. In reality, it often reflects regional asymmetries and has become yet another domain in which the weight of China is ultimately a destabilizing factor, according to Sophie Boisseau du Rocher.

The Evolving Role of Southeast Asia in Global FDI Flows

Date de publication
12 July 2011

This paper traces the evolution of FDI in ASEAN and discusses future prospects for the region as a host - and increasingly home - to FDI. 

From 'Looking' to Engaging: India and East Asia

Date de publication
22 December 2011

The Look East policy (LEP), launched in the early 1990s, was intended to engage India more closely with the East Asian region, but it met with only limited success initially, for India was not seen to be a major contributor either to regional security or economic development.

The Arab Revolts and Southeast Asia: What Impact and What Influence?

Date de publication
19 June 2012

Southeast Asia experienced its own political upheavals well before the Arab revolts. Nevertheless, the wave of popular uprisings that shook the Middle-East and North Africa region goes far beyond the region’s boundaries, and Southeast Asia is no exception to the global crisis of confidence towards governments.


French "State Action at Sea" as a Model for SE Asian Coast Guards

16 March 2022

South-East Asian countries like Philippines and Indonesia have to cope with an increasing number of maritime issues in order to exert their sovereign rights over their territorial waters, archipelagic waters and exclusive economic zones (EEZ). In the midst of a tense geostrategic environment, the security of maritime areas and, more broadly, security in the high seas, are subject to major threats and illegal activities as recently summarized in the last Information Fusion Centre (IFC) annual report: piracy and sea robbery, maritime terrorism, cyber-attacks and AIS spoofing, trafficking of all kinds, illegal fishing activities and maritime pollution.

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Menace islamiste, loi martiale, ... que se passe-t-il aux Philippines?

24 May 2017

Philippines' President wants to limit islamist groups' capacity after several attacks in the South of the country.

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Chinese missile crisis? Escalation over disputed China Sea islands

18 February 2016

Reports have emerged that China has set up a missile launch base on Woody Island, part of an archipelago disputed with Taiwan and Vietnam. This comes just as the US President was wrapping up an ASEAN summit to strengthen ties after the recent Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. How will this shape policy not only among Washington's traditional allies in the region but also in countries like Vietnam? Once again, a war-weary US is being called upon and has to look at the broader picture.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference