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North Korea's Nuclear Posture: an Evolving Challenge for U.S. Deterrence

Date de publication
27 March 2017

A more capable, nuclear-armed, North Korea will pose very substantial challenges to the U.S. deterrence posture. 


La prueba nuclear norcoreana refuerza el papel de EE UU en Asia

09 January 2016

Corea del Norte ha tratado esta semana de aumentar la presión para ser reconocida como una potencia nuclear con la prueba del pasado miércoles en la que aseguraba que empleó una bomba de hidrógeno. Y ha introducido un nuevo elemento en el gran juego de alianzas estratégicas y comerciales que Estados Unidos y China disputan en el siglo XXI en Asia, un tablero de ajedrez que representa el 38,8% del PIB mundial. La prueba nuclear ha dejado en evidencia la falta de control de Pekín sobre Pyongyang y ha reforzado el papel de Washington como garante de la seguridad en la región.


Sécheresse en Corée du Nord : intox ou catastrophe réelle ?

28 June 2015

Le régime de Pyongyang réclame de l'aide, mais les observateurs internationaux s'interrogent sur l'ampleur du phénomène.

Prospects for 6-party talks: Nuclear weapons are a means of survival for Kim Jung Un

Date de publication
06 April 2012

The most imperative duty of the third-generation Kim Jong Un is the “survival” of North Korea. This will require not only a smooth transfer of power from his father but also shoring up the national economy. This is because I feel the current regime will sooner or later come to the end of its tether unless North Korean economy breaks free of foreign dependence and begins to grow autonomously.

An Analysis of North Korea's Principal Trade Relations

Date de publication
15 July 2010

The Direction of Trade Statistics by IMF is the most representative statistical data for bilateral trade with North Korea. However, IMF statistics underestimate North Korea's international trade since they do not classify inter-Korean trade as international trade. Therefore, this study restructures statistics on North Korea by combining the IMF and inter-Korean trade data, and it analyzes the structure of North Korea's international trade. In addition, it conducts a unique analysis of trade structures, since other studies have not analyzed production processes in North Korean trade.

This analysis identifies six main characteristics of North Korea's trade:

North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Development: Implications for Future Policy

Date de publication
23 April 2010

Despite the resumption of high-level diplomatic contact between Washington and Pyongyang in late 2009, realization of a non-nuclear Korean Peninsula remains a very remote prospect, with the DPRK insisting that a peace agreement between the U.S. and North Korea and hence the cessation of "hostile DPRK-U.S. relations" are necessary before any consideration of denuclearization.

Coming in from the Cold? An Update on North Korea's External Economic Relations

Date de publication
08 April 2010

This brief analysis of the current external economic relations of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) leads to a number of conclusions.

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