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Turkey end French studies in response to call for Koran reform

15 May 2018

Turkey has decided to suspend the opening of several French studies departments in its universities, in a context of bilateral tensions after the publication of a "manifesto against new anti-Semitism" last month, calling for the correction of some parts of the Quran. Dorothée Schmid, head of the Contemporary Turkey program at Ifri, analyses the reasons behind this decision and its implications for the two countries.


Macron takes a risk in courting Trump, but has little to show for it

22 April 2018

PARIS — President Emmanuel Macron was put on the spot this year in front of a room full of journalists when one asked, provocatively: Which man is more dangerous, North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un; or Donald J. Trump?

Mind the Gap: How France and Germany Can Spearhead Joint Foreign Policy Initiatives Now

Date de publication
20 April 2018

In light of the current instability on Europe’s borders and uncertainties about the international role of the US under the administration of President Donald Trump, it is high time for Franco-German foreign policy initiatives. With the formation of a new German government, a window of opportunity opens for new joint action by the two countries at the core of the EU. At the same time, differences between France and Germany, both on policy issues and in terms of their strategic cultures, could impede any such cooperation. 

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Macron, Diplomat: A New French Foreign Policy?

Date de publication
13 April 2018

How can we define Emmanuel Macron’s foreign policy since he took office? After Nicolas Sarkozy’s brazen style of “gutsy diplomacy” and François Hollande’s “normal diplomacy”, the eighth president of the Fifth Republic seems to have opted for an agile classicism. In substance, he makes no claim to any radical break with the past, but sees his approach as being in line with historical tradition.

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137 Shades of Terrorism. French Jihadists Before the Courts

Date de publication
10 April 2018

This study, based on original judicial sources, assesses the profiles of 137 individuals sentenced in France for cases related to jihadism.

European Foreign Policy in 2027: Preparing for the Unexpected

Date de publication
30 March 2018

What risks might the European Union be facing in 2027? Shaken by growing internal agitation as well as wider geopolitical developments, the European Union (EU) needs to redefine its role on the world scene while strengthening its core project. Integration has taken place on all levels and risks are therefore increasingly a concern to the Union as a whole. 


Europe de la défense : les différences persistent entre Berlin et Paris

17 February 2018
The « coalition agreement » signed between Conservatives and Social Democrats in Germany on February 7th does not reveal any details on military matters. Officially, defence cooperation is working perfectly well between Paris and Berlin.

Macron wants a powerful EU

16 February 2018

French President Emmanuel Macron is accelerating EU defense cooperation. The biggest obstacle are the French-German cultural differences. Can terrorism, Trump and Putin force closer military cooperation in Europe? Yes, says Barbara Kunz, research fellow at the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) in Paris and expert on defense cooperation in the EU.

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The Strategic Role of Land Forces: A French Perspective

Date de publication
11 July 2019

Although the first and foremost domain in the history of warfare, Land power has been dissociated from the concept of “strategic forces” for some time now, as these generally referred to long-range and/or high-yield strike capabilities, above all nuclear weapons. 

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Mixing Business with Europe: What Role for Companies on the Future of the EU?

Date de publication
30 January 2018

The European Union (EU) is facing what the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, calls a ‘polycrisis’. The EU is under increasing pressure to deliver and address citizens’ concerns.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference