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The United States and the World: what can we expect in the near future?

29 September 2014

Michael Lind, Policy Director of the Economic Growth Program at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C, was the guest of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) on September 29th 2014. In this video, he discusses the limits and challenges of US foreign policy, particularly regarding the ongoing conflict against ISIS in the Middle East.

The end of globalization ?

29 September 2014

Michael Lind, Policy Director of the Economic Growth Program at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C, was the guest of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) on September 29th 2014. In this video, he analyzes the major economic trends post-2008, and forecasts the end of globalization.


13 September 2014

Almost 7 years ago, Barack Obama was elected on a promise:to end wars. Just as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, Barack Obama announcd this week that America will begin another war against terror, this time in Iraq and Syria. Why does the American president feel the accute need to act? How can the coalition with Arab countries and Euorpe work?


Les causes de l'obésité aux Etats-Unis

10 September 2014

Laurence Nardon, head of the United States Program at IFRI, reviews the causes of obesity in the United States and explains various proposed strategies to reform the American acricultural and food industries. 

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Hollande's Government Reshuffle: Will Anything Change?

03 September 2014

Just 147 days after Manuel Valls’ nomination as prime minister at Hôtel Matignon, the cabinet of ministers in Paris faced a new reshuffle. Some believe it will rejuvenate the French economy, which seems mired in stagnation, but most doubt that scenario is a real possibility. François Hollande is rapidly becoming one of the French fifth Republic’s most criticized and mocked presidents. RIAC asked Thomas Gomart, Senior Research Fellow, Vice President for Strategic Development at IFRI, about the nature of the recent government changes and what they will bring.

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LIBERATION: Obama the Fatalist : the American president and the Middle East

26 June 2014

ISIS's recent military advances in Iraq leave some reconsidering American intervention in the region. 

FRANCE CULTURE : Middle East: A War of Religion

21 June 2014

Iraq is in chaos: unleashed ancestral hatred, civil war, religious war, porous borders, embarrassed chancellery,the rise of a jihad spanning from the Sahara to the Sahel that even recruits in Europe, quick conquest by ISIS....  looking at the situation that Sunnis and Shiites face in Iraq and Syria.

In addition to renewed ancestral rivalries, war and porous borders, ISIS's rise in Iraq leaves the region in a state of utter chaos. Taking a look at the situation Sunnis and Shiites face in Iraq and Syria.  

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German, French, Polish and Russian Views on Russia’s Foreign Policy

13 June 2014

The Franco-German Study Committee (Cerfa) and the Russia/NIS Center of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) have organized a closed seminar and interviews about the "German, French, Polish and Russian Views on Russia’s Foreign Policy".


FRANCE CULTURE: What America will Obama leave the world?

09 June 2014

One could say that the President of the United States, with just over two years left in his second term, worries about the state of the country he will leave for his successors. "What America will Obama leave the world?"

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