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What future for the German social democracy?

27 January 2017

Martin Schulz will be the SPDs candidate for the general elections in 2017, facing the CDUs Angela Merkel. Could his arrival threaten the Chancellor and reinvigorate a rather dull looking SPD?


What Does China's 'New Asian Security Concept' Mean for the US?

21 January 2017

A closer look at China’s vision for remaking Asian security, and what the United States can do about it. In October, China hosted the seventh Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, during which Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin outlined a framework for a regional security architecture to meet the emerging challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. 


Berlin attack : Merkels Germany is facing populism

13 January 2017

The leaders of the extreme right-wing AfD party, Alternative for Germany, intend to take advantage of the attack on the Christmas market in Berlin to challenge the German Chancellors welcoming policy : 1 million refugees arrived between 2015 and 2016, they argue that in welcoming them, she imported violence.


Will Angela Merkel have to pursue a major policy shift?

30 December 2016

What political future for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel after a year characterised by the New Years incident in Cologne and the attack in Berlin?


Opinion : "No common view on the role of nuclear energy at COP climate talks, but individual countries can decide"

16 December 2016

A year after the landmark COP21 climate discussions, the ambitious Paris Agreement entered into force just before COP22 began in Marrakech, Marrocco. With this latest round of talks new over, Carole Mathieu of Ifri debriefs Nuclear Report on what happened in Marrakech, the importance of the decarbonization agenda, and on the silent place nuclear energy occupies at the UNIFCCC negociations.

To Read the Full Interview click here



'Turkey Is Using Syria to Show its Strength - it's All About Image'

14 December 2016

Turkey is looking to revive a fragile ceasefire in Aleppo, and the planned evacuation of civilians, which brokered with Russia. But why is Ankara, a staunch opponent of Damascus, interested in helping to create an outcome that would benefit President Assad? Amanda Morrow put the question to Dorothée Schmid, head of the Turkish studies programme at the French Institute of International Relations. 


Angola awaits successor to long-ruling leader Dos Santos

09 December 2016

Angola is expected to formally announce the end of President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos' controversial 37-year rule Saturday, and name a successor to lead the ailing African oil-producing country.


Angela Merkel, ready for a fourth mandate?

06 December 2016

The chancellor has launched the battle for the legislative elections. In front of the 1000 delegates of her party (CDU), Angela Merkel was firm on immigration in order to counter the populist right.

What evolution of US-Russia relationship after Trump’s election? An American point of view

29 November 2016

3 questions to Stephen SZABO, Executive Director, Transatlantic Academy.

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Political scientist Barbara Kunz invited to Heute journal

21 November 2016

Primary elections of the French conservative party "Les Républicains": analysis by Barbara Kunz.

A fourth term would also make Merkel longest governing chancellor in Germany

21 November 2016

In view of the Brexit and Donald Trump, Angela Merkel announced her candidacy for a 4th mandate to the Chancellery Sunday November 20th. What are her chances? What support can be expected from the German population and parties? Would she be a bulwark against the right-wing populist AfD?

Political scientist Barbara Kunz reacts to the announcement of Angela Merkel.

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