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WPC 2018 - Statement by Thierry de Montbrial

30 October 2018

Thierry de Montbrial makes a statement on the 11th edition of the World Policy Conference (WPC) held from October, 26-28, 2018, in Rabat, Morocco.

An interview led by John Andrews, contributing editor, The Economist.

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Total CEO Steps Into Eye of Saudi Storm as Other Bosses Balk

24 October 2018

Total SA boss Patrick Pouyanne proved once again that he’ll go where other business leaders fear to tread. The storm in Saudi Arabia caused by the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi was too much for the chief executive officers of Siemens AG and BlackRock Inc., who pulled out of an investment conference in Riyadh this week. But the head of France’s oil giant didn’t just show up, he maintained a high profile.


Belgium's creaky nuclear reactors raise risk of winter power outages

10 October 2018

Belgium is slowly phasing out its aging nuclear energy infrastructure. But looming winter weather, limited renewable options and a poorly connected electricity network have left the country at risk of blackouts.


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COMMENT: Does the Trump-led trade war with China threaten US energy dominance?

28 September 2018

President Trump is using tariffs and quotas as weapons in his trade dispute with China. Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe and Jean-François Boittin of think tank the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) argue that his actions threaten US energy dominance worldwide.


French environment minister Nicolas Hulot resigns

28 August 2018

Activist hits out at President Macron for taking only ‘small steps’ on green issues in government


The Vienna Compromise

02 August 2018

In June, the alliance of producing countries decided to increase the output of crude oil, against the backdrop of a surge in prices and severe restrictions on imports to Venezuela and Iran, shaken by sanctions and economic difficulties

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Super-synergies could arise from cross-border projects

30 July 2018

Shared projects, shared tenders and joint R&D projects could see low-cost offshore windfarms and interconnectors criss-crossing the North Sea.


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The significance of the France-Japan partnership

12 July 2018

A dialogue with Yoshiji NOGAMI, Vice-Chairman of the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA).

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Jihadist Prisoners: The Fear of Recidivism

12 July 2018

On July 16, Djamel Beghal is expected to be released from the Rennes-Vezin prison in the west of France. Beghal is a well-known figure in the European jihadist sphere. Born in Algeria in 1965, he settled in France in 1987. Ten years later, he moved to the United Kingdom with his French wife and their children. In November 2000, the family left for Afghanistan, a country then governed by the Taliban.

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Opposing Trump's Environmental Policy

12 July 2018

An interview with Julie CERQUEIRA, Executive Director of the U.S. Climate Alliance.

France girds for long fight against Islamists in Africa's Sahel

06 July 2018

Days before French President Emmanuel Macron visited West and Central African leaders this week to talk security, Islamist fighters sent a defiant message -- a suicide attack on the headquarters of a five-nation force that is supposed to take the lead in fighting terrorism in the region.

Last year Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger agreed to set up the 5,000-member force dubbed the "G5 Sahel", urged along by pledges of training and support from France.


Preserving defence partnerships with US and UK is a key interest for France.

03 June 2018

Nicolas Sarkozy used to promote himself as a transatlanticist or anglophile French president. Emmanuel Macron seems to have taken this approach a step further. Macron appears to have taken upon France and himself the responsibility of not allowing Britain and more importantly, the United States to drift too far away from Europe. Is he succeeding in this?


China, Russia rise in CAR as Western influence shrinks

24 May 2018

Russia and China are muscling their way into the Central African Republic as Western clout in the mineral-rich, strategically important nation seems to wane, analysts say.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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