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In the aftermath of the November elections, Ifri's Program on North America held the 19th edition of its annual conference on the United States.
The conference discussed the election results as well as the unusual transition period. From restoring the environmental policy to managing the pandemic crisis and dealing with the U.S.-China strategic rivalry, the webinar also addressed the most burning issues that the Biden administration will have to face.

Two Zoom sessions were held :
. On December 10th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm (Paris time) - 10:00am to 11:30am (Washington time)
. On December 11th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm (Paris time) - 10:00am to 12:00am (Washington time)
The conference was held in English without translation
Thursday, December 10th - 10:00-11:30am (EST)
Panel 1: U.S. Politics in the Aftermath of the November Elections
The Trump presidency has exacerbated the polarization in the country and has disrupted many aspects of American politics, in terms of both form and content. What did the election results reveal? What will be the future orientations of the two parties and their electorate? What will be the priorities of the Biden administration, and how much leeway will it have with Congress?
- EJ Dionne: Professor, Georgetown University and Harvard University, Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution, Columnist,The Washington Post, NPR and MSNBC
- Henry Olsen: Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Opinion Columnist, The Washington Post. Dr Olsen studies American politics, in particular conservatism and populism
- Célia Belin: Visiting Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe at Brookings, author of Des Démocrates en Amérique: L'heure des choix face à Trump (2020)
- Ramesh Ponnuru: Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise Institute and Senior Editor, National Review
Moderator: Laurence Nardon, Research Fellow, Head of Ifri's North America Program
Friday, December 11th - 10:00-12:00am (EST)
Panel 2: Biden's Foreign Policy
President-elect Joe Biden has already announced some of the foreign policy decisions he will take following his inauguration. All of them will not break from his predecessor's legacy. What will his policy towards the Middle East, China and Europe look like?
Keynote speaker:
Walter Russell Mead: Distinguished Fellow in Strategy and Statesmanship, Hudson Institute, Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities, Bard College, Global View Columnist, The Wall Street Journal.
- Stephen Wertheim: Deputy Director of Research and Policy, Quincy Institute, Research Scholar, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia University, Historian of the United States in the world
- Kristin Diwan: Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, expert on Gulf states and their relations with the U.S
- Benjamin Haddad: Director of the Future Europe Initiative, Atlantic Council, expert in European politics and transatlantic relations
- Alexander Lennon: Editor-in-Chief, The Washington Quarterly, Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University, with a focus on the Indo-Pacific region
Moderator : Laurence Nardon, Research Fellow, Head of Ifri's North America Program
The Zoom link were sent by email to registered participants the day before the webinar.
Find out more
Malgré la victoire de Biden, le Parti démocrate doit reconquérir son électorat
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The Biden-Harris Election: A Respite In View Of What?
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