Iran : The Revolution's Legacy, Understanding the Current Political, Economic and Cultural Dynamics of Iran

Practical information
Since the nuclear agreement was reached in July 2015, Iran has returned to the forefront of international relations. However, the complexity of Iranian society remains hardly understandable for Western observers. At a time when both Iran and the world are opening to each other, in order to understand Iran’s political life, its economic system or its artistic production, one needs to go back to the founding event of the Islamic Republic: the 1979 Revolution.
The Revolution and its contradictions remain at the heart of current debates within Iran. Far from being outdated, the question of what is revolutionary continues to drive the political, economic and cultural actors of the Islamic Republic.
This seminar will seek to introduce a general audience to the legacy and the influence of the 1979 Revolution in contemporary Iran. It will explain how this legacy is still alive in the political, economic and cultural areas.
1.20 pm – 2.40 pm : Between revolution and modernity: Iran’s political landscape
Moderator: Roohollah Shahsavar, Founder and Director of publication of Lettres Persanes
- Hamze Ghalebi, independent Consultant and former ministerial Advisor in 2009
- Azadeh Kian, Professor of sociology, Director of CEDREF, Paris 7 University
- Alain Frachon, Journalist, AFP correspondent in Tehran in 1979
2.40 pm – 2.55pm (15 min) : Break
2.55 pm – 4.15 pm : Iranian socialism and capitalism in the time of globalization: a revolutionary economy?
Moderator : Dorothée Schmid, Head of the Turkey/Middle-East Program of the French Institute of the International Relations (IFRI)
- Hamzhe Arabzadeh, Economist, Paris School of Economics
- Mehrdad Emadi, Economist, Betamatrix Consulting, London
- Thierry Coville, Researcher at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), professor at Novancia School of Business
4.15 pm – 4.30 pm (15 min): Break
4.30 pm – 5.50 pm : Literature, cinema and contemporary art : going beyond the Revolution
Moderator: to be determined
- Nahal Tajadod, Writer
- Asal Bagheri, Professor of semiotics, Paris Descartes University
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