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After the end of the end of History

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This paper intends to take a step back from current developments in Ukraine in order to analyze the lessons Europeans ought to draw from the crisis that caught many by surprise. Whether the Ukrainian crisis really turns out to be a »game changer« in a structural sense remains to be seen, but it has made clear that Europeans should rethink a number of fundamental assumptions underlying European foreign policy.

Corps analyses

It identifies four issues Europeans need to address in that respect. 

In that sense, the Ukrainian crisis may potentially be a trigger for a process of “strategic maturation”, offering an opportunity to make significant steps toward a European culture of strategic foreign policy making that will allow Europe to overcome some of the obstacles standing in its way when it comes to playing a decisive role in international politics.

Published as Genshagener Papiere 15, December 2014.


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After the end of the end of History


Barbara KUNZ

Intitulé du poste

Ancienne chercheuse au Comité d'études des relations franco-allemandes (Cerfa) de l'Ifri

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After the end of the end of History, from Ifri by
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After the end of the end of History