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Altermondialisme, le nouveau mouvement d'émancipation ?

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Global Justice Movement. The New Emancipatory Movement?

Corps analyses

The Global Justice Movement (GJM or altermondialisme in French) seems now to be well-known, especially in France. Yet same questions are always asked: who are the activists? What do they want? What are their political motives? What is the alternative they want to implement? Are they dangerous? Do they embody the new global emancipatory movement of the 21th century?

This book aims to answer these classic questions in eight chapters. The first one defines what the Global Justice Movement is. Even if it is more and more a 'catch all' movement, it can be defined as a movement of civil society organizations that are opposed to the 'corporate-led globalization' and want to promote an 'another globalization'. The second chapter explains that the movement is a global one, but is based on grassroots movements at a local level. Beyond the GJM wide range of interests and the most prominent ones like ATTAC, the third chapter identifies four types of groups : radical groups, social movements, non governmental organizations (NGOs) and 'citizens’ watchdog organizations'.

The fourth one explains what their political motives are. These movements are not revolutionary movements like marxist-leninist ones. They don’t want to seize power. Their aim is to change the world without taking power whether by the implementation of 'autonomous zones' or by a global change of values. The fifth chapter studies the scope of alternatives they want to put into effect. There is no such big Alternative but rather different alternatives, at least five of them: the 'other world' defended by reformists inside the GJM, the alternative promoted by those who are pro-regulation, by those who are pro-deglobalization, by 'alternatives' and by anti-imperialists. The sixth chapter analyzes accusations of violence as well as antisemitism that are often linked with activist demonstrations or campaigns. Mainstream movements are not violent or antisemite. However some excesses cannot be hidden and could seriously be a hindrance to the future of the global movement.

The seventh chapter explains why this movement have emerged in the second half of the 90’s and why it is a lasting one. The GJM is a reaction to two forceful political 'shocks' : the acute crisis of the left movements after the end of the Cold War, and the impact of the globalization process on some societies. The last chapter tries to answer the following question : is the GJM the new global emancipatory movement of the 21th century? Even though it is certainly too soon to answer that, we can still hint at internal contradictions, lack of globality and credibility, and above all popularity, that raise serious doubts about it. The future of the GJM could be similar to the history of the Green movement. Their ideas could become the ideas of everyone and therefore the GJM could face a tough choice between a radicalization or a normalization.



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