Between Attraction and Repulsion: Strengths and Weaknesses of Russia’s Image Abroad

In search of a better image, Russia has created a whole arsenal of soft power since the mid-2000s according to a Western model.

However, the impact of these tools was limited: the image of Russia continues to be tarnished by the absence of an attractive model and by the priority it continues to give to military force and methods of influence, far from being “soft”. Since the annexation of Crimea, these latter tools have been considerably strengthened, further degrading the image of Russia. However, part of the international audience, including among Western elites and populations, was seduced by the vigor of the new Russian posture and the assertive political leadership of Vladimir Putin. Russian foreign policy, backed by powerful information tools, is at the heart of the new image of Russia which values its otherness, the legitimacy of its action and the central role in the most important international issues.
> This content is available in French : Entre attrait et répulsion : Atouts et faiblesses de l’image de la Russie à l’étranger