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The European Migration Policies from a Southern Perspective

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The “Migration, Identities, Citizenship” programme at Ifri launches, with the support of the OCP group, a new research program entitled “The European migration policies from a Southern perspective”.

Corps analyses

In a few years' time, the idea of a "global approach on migrations" seems to progressively grow on in the formulation of European migration politics. This global approach includes news goals linked to the relations between emigration countries and immigration countries. Today, European migration policies thus intend:

- to contribute (even partially) to South countries' development through migration,
- to reduce the "migration pressure" on North countries' borders through development of emigration countries,
- to regulate legal emigration/immigration and fight against "irregular migration" through partnerships between North and South countries.

The objective of this axe of research and debate is to contribute to answer the two following questions:

1) What concrete relation could be identified between development, emigration, migration politics and migrants' actions, beyond preconceived ideas?
2) What would be the "global approach" defined from the South countries' point of view?

To sustain this reflection, an international meeting was organised December the 2nd, 2010, in Rabat by Ifri, Paris, UOM, Rabat, with the support of the OCP group.

Four authors wrote electronic publications on this subject:

Flore Gubert, Migrations, Remittances and Development: Comparing Experiences from Mexico and Maghreb, Notes de l'Ifri, “The Maghreb in its Regional and International Environment” programme, September. 2010.

Jacques Ould Aoudia, Migrations and Development: A Need for Coherent Policies Adapted to reality, Notes de l'Ifri, “The Maghreb in its Regional and International Environment” programme, October. 2010.

Mehdi Lahlou, Europe and the Maghreb: Reconfiguring Migratory Relations, Notes de l'Ifri, “The Maghreb in its Regional and International Environment” programme, February. 2011.

François Gemenne, Migrations and Development: Environmental Issue and the Future of Migratory Policies, Notes de l'Ifri, “The Maghreb in its Regional and International Environment” programme, March 2011.



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Christophe BERTOSSI

Intitulé du poste

Ancien directeur du Centre migrations et citoyennetés de l'Ifri

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