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Former Research Fellow

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Carole Mathieu is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Energy of the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri). Her research areas primarily cover climate change policies and the transformation of energy systems, European energy policy and security of gas supply. Prior to joining the Ifri Centre for Energy, she was an analyst at the French Energy Regulatory Commission (2010-2014). She has been actively involved in defining and defending the positions of the French regulator in the discussions with European Institutions, network and infrastructure operators and market players. Her work focused on the harmonisation of European gas network and market rules and on questions relating to energy security of supply of the European Union. She has regularly conducted training sessions at the French Gas Association (AFG) on the EU energy policy and on energy markets regulation. Holding a Master’s degree in Public Administration – Energy from Sciences Po Paris, Carole Mathieu has also studied at Boston College (Massachusetts, U.S.).

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Analysis from Carole MATHIEU
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The Energy Union: Views from France, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom

Date de publication
06 July 2015

Report published by Instytut Spraw Publicznych (ISP) and presented at the 1-2 July 2015 conference organised by ISP, Stiftung Genshagen and Ifri: "Energy Union - Germany, France and Poland between common European goals and divergent national approaches". Melchior Szczepanik (ISP) and Carole Mathieu (Ifri Centre for Energy) co-authored the chapter dedicated to the French perspective on the Energy Union.

Carbon Risk and the Fossil Fuel Industry

Date de publication
08 April 2015

As calls for ambitious climate action intensify, questions arise concerning the resilience of the fossil fuel industry in a world ever more inclined to favour climate protection. This article will attempt to assess the extent of present risks and show how the strength of debate can affect practices and strategy employed by companies in this sector.

Local Content Strategies in the Oil and Gas Sector: How to Maximise Benefits to Host Communities

Date de publication
03 June 2015

Editor: Deborah Sherwood, published by Institut francais des relations internationales (Ifri)

The New Dimensions of Geopolitics

Date de publication
04 June 2015

Editor: Deborah Sherwood, published by Cligendael International Energy Program (CIEP) and Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri)

Japan's Energy and Climate Policy: Towards Dispelling the Uncertainties

Date de publication
28 May 2015

Four years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and a few months before the opening of the Paris Climate Conference, Japan is about to clarify its energy and climate policy.

Road to Paris: What Would Be a Successful Outcome for COP21?

Date de publication
09 April 2015

Eight months before the opening of the Paris climate conference (COP21), it can be reasonably argued that a global climate agreement is now within reach.

Key messages for Europe from the World Energy Outlook 2014

Date de publication
07 December 2014

Hot Energy Topic n° 5, Insight_E publication

Lead Author: Paul Deane (UCC)
Authoring Team: Ulrich Fahl (University of Stuttgart), Carole Mathieu (Ifri)
Reviewers: Kimon Keramidas (Enerdata)

Unburnable fossil fuels in a 2 °C world

Date de publication
07 February 2015

Lead Authors:  Christophe McGlade, Steve Pye (UCL)
Authoring Team: Carole Mathieu (Ifri); Željko Jurić, Marko Matosović (EIHP)
Reviewer: Paul Deane (UCC)

From 2020 to 2030, from Copenhagen to Paris: a mindset change for the European Climate Policy?

Date de publication
08 December 2014

The European Councils of March 2007 and October 2014 have defined the major guidelines of the European climate policy for the 2010-2020 and 2020-2030 decades. These commitments have then been used as negotiation roadmaps for two major conferences on climate held under the United-Nations umbrella, in Copenhagen in 2009 and in Paris in December 2015. In both cases, the aim was, and still is, to reach a global agreement to take over the Kyoto Protocol. The first one was a failure for the European diplomacy and all hopes are now placed in the second, which may well be the last chance for the international climate talks.

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