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Galileo, the European Satellite Navigation System. Legal and Political Issues at the Time of the Concession

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Galileo, la navigation par satellite européenne. Questions juridiques et politiques au temps de la concession
Corps analyses

The present book is the main outcome of a one-day conference on Galileo held in Reims (France), in November, 2005. The conference chose to assess issues linked to the European satellite navigation program at a crucial time in its development, namely when it is entering its deployment phase under the management of an industry-led Concession. It is published by Ifri and ADDES.

Galileo stands out in many ways and the discussions in Reims explored four of the most interesting issues linked to the program. Overseen as it is by the EU and ESA, Galileo has demanded the creation of specific joint management institutions and challenged several key European institutions to come up with new concepts and ideas (chapter 1). Satellite navigation will allow new ways of managing air traffic in Europe, giving rise to difficult discussions on the necessary adaptation process (chapter 2). A number of original legal issues linked to Galileo have also appeared since the beginning of the program. Legal experts are in the process of defining the parameters of the Public Private contracts that will be necessary. Risk management and intellectual property are also the topic of legal debates (chapter 3).

More importantly still, Galileo has long been a bone of contention in transatlantic relations and has now become a source of friction within the EU. Many in the US were wary of the potential competition that Galileo would create for GPS. An agreement was finally signed in June of 2004, allowing the two systems to interact to the benefit of all end-users. The United Kingdom is now in the process of organizing opposition to the military use of Galileo, bringing to light a significant difference between European partners concerning the ambition and scope of the program (chapter 4).



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Galileo, la navigation par satellite européenne. Questions juridiques et politiques au temps de la concession
Galileo, the European Satellite Navigation System. Legal and Political Issues at the Time of the Concession, from Ifri by